We’ve all had days like this. (If you haven’t you are very fortunate.) Days where no matter what we put on we just don’t feel attractive or our best. Then we surprisingly get a compliment. Sadly often even after the complement we are still not convinced and continue on feeling uncomfortable in our own skin.
Recently I was talking to another woman about this. She happens to be a therapist and made an excellent point. She said that we have to remind ourselves that our feelings are just that A FEELING and feelings often do not represent reality. We should acknowledge the feeling and then let it pass. The same way you can be feeling good one minute and then something happen and you feel bad; allow the opposite to happen. If you feel bad about yourself acknowledge it is a feeling, but don’t dwell on it and then give time to let the feeling pass.
Awesome. Thank u 🙂
#FBF …I did this very exact thing the other day…I had worn the tshirt one time before and I was on the fence about it and then I wore it again this week and I was like nooooooooo; I did think it looked great in the store when I bought a few weeks ago :/ Not sure what happened from the time I bought til when I got home lol But you're right they are feelings that pass…now what to wear for tomorrow 🙂
Beautiful life lesson that reaches well beyond our feelings about how we look! Distinguishing thoughts and feelings from reality can be challenging.
Great post! Thanks for letting us know we have the victory even w our emotions