A few weeks ago I decided to enter the Miss Curve 2011 Contest. I wrote a bit about this while poking a little harmless fun at Pagents in Feel Good Friday post Pagent, Ready For the Crown. This is something that is completely out of my comfort zone. I signed up for a couple reasons. In general I have been trying to do some new things and this is completely new to me. I also felt it would be a good self-estem boost.
So, I told my mom, some friends, family, and co-workers as well as posted it on FaceBook. I did something I have not been in the habit of doing, I asked people to do something for me, to help me, and support me by voting for me. For some reason I have a hard time asking for any kind of help. I do not like to show any sort of weakness. I do not want to feel in any way indebted to people.
This is CRAZY!!!! and I really need to get over it. Asking for hlep is often very hard and requries a certain humbleness and persoal strength to admit that there is someting you want/need and that you cannot do it on your own. Asking for help also gives others an opportunity to stand up and show you they care about you, are there for you and will support you.
This is exactly what happend. People started voting. Friends, family, co-workers, people I don’t even know that well voted. Some even posted it on there own Facebook pages and personal blogs. All of these peopel rose to the occation and showed they were there for me, supported, me, and were willing to help me go after a goal. As of now I am in the top 3rd of all the contestants.
Life Lesson: When you tell people what your goals are many people will activley help you achieve them. When you ask for help, people will offer help and support you. Admiting when you need help and allowing others to be there for and support you only strengthens the foundation on the road to Joy.
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I totally agree, say your goals out loud to yourself and to others and it makes you accountable. If you stopped not only would you let yourself down but everyone you told. Who wants to hear you quit, they want to hear your victory and your path to get there. We get what we expect of people, so why not expect great things from them!
Stopping by from Chasing Joy's FBF 🙂 (which is here YAY)
What a great story! I find people usually bend over backwards to help! I keep wondering what happened next? Love this post!! I need to get better at requests, too.