I guess the theme of this week is Listen.
It started on Friday right before I headed out for Zumba. My knee didn’t feel right, so I took an Ibuprofen and went to class. I worked out super hard. Burned over 500 calories and didn’t hear a peep from my knee. I guess I had sufficiently silenced it with the Ibuprofen. By Saturday I had a bad limp going on. My leg is slowly improving. However, the consequence of not listening is I’ve had to suspend my #100DaysofFitness Challenge temporarily.
On Sunday two different people from my Facebook Timeline posted about the church service they attended that Sunday. I’m not sure if they know each other but they attend the same church and were both moved by the sermon. It was on prayer and how we are to sit quiet and listen after praying to hear God respond. When I try that I usually fall asleep. Once I tried meditation to help me to learn to sit quiet and listen. That was a no go!
Then yesterday at therapy (Yes, I told you guys before that I see a therapist.) she asked me a bunch of questions and the revealed that she was trying to get me to tune into how I was feeling about a situation. I guess I’m often so busy analyzing and applying logic to situations that I don’t actually listen to my true feelings.
I realize that very rarely do I actually allow myself to just be alone and quiet with my thoughts. I always have a radio or TV on. My phone is never an arms length away. I am always occupying my mind with something.
I have heard the message now, finally. I need to listen to my body more. I need to learn to be still and learn to be at peace with my thoughts without distraction. I need to spend more time listening to how I feel rather than trying to make sense of all that I am taking in. If I’m quite and listen I bet I can hear Joy calling.
Do you Listen? Are you ever just still and quiet with your thoughts? Can you hear Joy calling you?
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I've learned the hard way to listen to my body. I love exercise especially classes like Zumba – which are hard on our knees. I used to go to class no matter what hurt myself further then would be out for three months. Now when I'm hurting I modify or take a day off.
I used to go to therapy several years ago. It was just so hard to leave work early that I quit going. Something I sometimes regret. I've found journaling has helped me get in touch with my feelings. At the end of the week I read all my entries for the week – I've learned some interesting things about myself, my stresses and my feelings.
Hope that knee heals soon.
I'm so happy that you were inspired. If you can, go to enontab.org and listen to the sermon. All of social media was a buzz about it.