Happy Monday!!!
I know for many of you Mondays still suck. No matter what I or other people say about avoiding coming down with a case of the Mondays it’s still not going to be your favorite day of the week. That’s ok though. Monday’s do come with certain challenges. For most of us the main one being returned to work or school, or work and school after a couple days off.
Even if you have a recurring case of the Monday’s each week. My challenge is for you to still set out some time to think about Monday as a day to think up good things you want to do during the week. Make a list of things to look forward to and a list of reasonable goals that you will feel good about accomplishing.
Here are my lists for this week.
This week I am looking forward to:
Dinner with friends
Getting my hair done
Going to see wicked with my Mom
Making new friends at the Chasing Joy Brunch & Learn.
My goals for this week are:
To make it to the gym 3 times
Get caught up with some things at work
Cut back on sugar and salt
Reduce my calories
Go to the library
Spend less money.
What do you have to look forward to this week? If nothing comes to mind, maybe you should plan something… What are your goals? Feel free to share them for the week on the Chasing Joy Facebook Page and on Twitter using the hashtag #MakeitHappenMonday. You can click to tweet. My #MakeitHappenMonday goals are… and finish the sentence.
Have a great Monday and a good week.
I've heard good things about Wicked. After last week's craziness that involved a flat tire. My only goal for this week is to relax and get caught up.
I am excited about Wicked too. I'm looking forward to relaxing next week when my event is over.