Last week I wrote about feeling a little left out in the blogosphere not being a mommy blogger. The Mommy bloggers have paved the way for bloggers to be seen as influential and worthy to be compensated and valued. Now I am not a blogger who makes much money at all. I do this because I love it. Chasing Joy is my passion and I largely do it for free. But it is an amazing feeling when I do receive payment for a sponsored post or when someone RSVPs for a Chasing Joy event. I feel I have the mommy bloggers to thank for that.
So, because I already shouted out my favorite non-mommy bloggers, now I want to shout out my favorite mommy-bloggers. They are listed below in no particular order:
The Young Mommy Life is a parenting website targeting young moms. The author is very inspiring, encouraging, and motivating. She writes in a way that is inclusive of the youngest teenage moms. However, her content is appealing to moms of all ages. Being already over 30 I don’t know that I will qualify as a “young mom” when I do have kids but I feel I’ll find lots of support and knowledge from her blog. (Plus I may be biased because I met the author at my first Blogalicious when I did not know anyone and she hung out with me and wee took this silly photo 🙂 )
Blogging's early root were actually Lifestyle, the popularity of 'mommy blogging' came in a bit after it had begun as it is considered a 'niche' and blogging actually began as little bit of everything. I do not have children and I actually hate being 'niched' – if someone feel they must 'Lifestyle' and 'Empowerment' would be my areas of concentration.
My only 'negative' is that if you are a woman it is an automatic assumption you are a mom blogger and that drives me NUTS, it's a huge pet peeve for me. Not only don't I have them, I know I do not want to ever have any, so PR folks telling me I will want their baby products 'someday' is pretty misogynistic if you ask me!
Just my two cents! LOL 🙂
Tracy @ Ascending Butterfly
There are so many mommy and non-mommy blogs that I love to visit. Blogging is such a nice outlet for writing and for reading.
Thanks for sharing these. It's fun to find new blogs and get inspired.
I love reading other blogs. Your choices are fantastic!! I need to check them out.
I love this post. It's always a great feeling shouting out to the bloggers who have made a positive impact in our lives. You are a great blogger girl! Keep it up and you'll do great things!
I enjoy reading blogs, although I haven't read any by your favorite writers of mommy blogs. Writing and reading for fun and learning is a great reward.
I enjoy reading other blogs but often struggle to find the time while trying to run my own. I definitely have my favorites!
It's awesome that these blogs had such an impact on you. I have to check them out!
I absolutely love that you spotlighted your fellow bloggers who inspire you. I think it's a wonderful thing to let others know how much they help us.
These are great choices!! I love reading blogs that make me smile!
I only really read blogs as part of the commenting groups, but there are way too many good ones to choose from.
Thanks for sharing these new blogs. I think we all appreciate the blogs which have paved the way but now the door is wide open for all types of blogs, and yours is so honest and reflective. Something to be very proud of.
Hey, lady! Thanks for the shout out. And, the only reason I don't work a regular job is because I am literally addicted to bon bons! I have to be home so I can sit around and eat them all day:)
AWWW! Thank you so much for thinking of me!! and you, are one of my favorite NON mommy blogs! LOL
Thanks for sharing these blogs, I am definitely going to check them out!