This past weekend was really great for me. My event went great on Saturday afternoon. On Saturday night I went to a mini bloggy boot camp with the SITS Girls where I won a mini IPad. On Sunday I meet up with my bloggy friend Your Chic is Showing for her high heels event. I had lot’s of fun and connected with good joy inspiring people this weekend.
The problem came as the weekend was winding down. Since I’m into this whole blogging/ social media thing, of course I wanted to post on Facebook about my fantabulous weekend. I did not want to post in a bragging way. I wanted to post saying how thankful and blessed I felt to have had such a great weekend. The problem was I suddenly felt to anxious to write the post.
Anxiety came over me and I was afraid. I was afraid that somehow by my acknowledging blessings and showing gratitude I’d be welcoming almost encouraging something bad to happen. I imagined my mom getting sick or my dog starting to have seizures immediately after I’d hit post. I know, crazy right?
Expressing appreciation, practicing an attitude of gratitude, and counting blessings are all important components to having a more Joyful life. If you are busy celebrating good fortune and giving thanks it’s kind of hard to be sad or unhappy. But we rob ourselves of this joyful experience when we hold back out of fear that our happiness will somehow trigger bad things to happen or for us to be”jinxed”
The next time you feel the urge to stifle your celebration out of fear of something bad happening please ignor that urge. The reality is both good things and bad things are going to happen when they are gong ti happen. We have little control over that. However you have complete control in how much Joy you allow yourself to experience by acknowledging your blessings. So go ahead and send that text, tweet, or Facebook post sharing your good news.
Have you ever stopped short of sharing good news out of fear that you would jinx it and welcome something negative into your life? Am I the only one?
I like to share good news and to hear good news from other people. I only associate with people who want will be happy with my success so that I do not have to worry about being happy to the fullest!
I know how you feel. What we often celebrate, people interpret differently and that's not fair for us to stifle our joy.
You have a lot to be proud of and it is worth sharing. I think your apprehension may not have been so much that a person's health or even that of your dog would have been impacted but that someone may not have found the joy and reason to celebrate that you did. The fear may have been the setup in putting out the positive comments you leave yourself open to the naysayers and negative comments. I was reminded myself this morning that having it all in life is taking the good with the bad, for every 24 hours we have daylight and darkness; we could not have one without the other. So go ahead and toot your horn!! if someone wants to muffle the sound – let them try – it doesn't negate what you have accomplished.
Thanks Cynthia. I understand how some people are afraid to share good news because the haters will rise to the surface. I'm happy that was not my issue. I really just felt like too much good has happened all in one day/weekend something bad must be about to happen to ruin it.
I think that a lot of people fear bad things. I really dislike the saying I don't want to jinx myself. Because I just don't believe that you can jinx yourself if you are spending good things from your heart. You are right, upsetting things will happen. We just have to believe there will be more good things and upsetting thing and live our lives to the fullest.
I am guilty of saying that I have jinxed myself or someone else. I should probably stop saying that.