Wow! I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is this week. Time has flown by and 2014 will be over in just a few weeks.
So, how will you be spending Turkey Day. This year I am doing something that I have never done before. Instead of cooking for myself, my mom, and my cousin, we going out to eat for Thanksgiving. That’s right we will be going to a restaurant. There will be no Turkey cooked in my house. No days and days of Leftovers. No days of prep work. And best of all, no cleanup!!!
I am kind of excited about this departure form the norm. We will be going to Ruth’s Chris so I know the food will be good. They have a pre-fixed menu that includes Turkey and traditional sides. The cost of the meal is less than $40 a person. I will only be paying for myself and my mom. The cost for the two of us plus a nice tip will still be less than I’d have likely spent shopping for our traditional dinner.
Funny thing though, despite all of the positives associated with going out to eat, and my excitement to do something new, I feel kind of weird about it. SMH. Here I am a few months away from being 35 years old and I feel weird about my thanksgiving plans because I am concerned about what other people thing. I admit it. As much as I tell myself other people’s opinions of me don’t matter, the truth is they still do. We all talk with friends and family about our holiday plans. As I hear myself saying we are going out to eat. I feel like I am bracing myself for some form of judgement. I imagine they are thinking things like what kind of family does she have, is she to lazy too cook, what about tradition, and people are forced to work on the holiday because of people like her. I find myself over selling the upside of going out to eat and giving details that the person I am in the conversation with has not even asked about. Oh, boy…
However, yes you know I have to find a bright side, despite whatever weirdness I feel and my concerns about judgement, I have not changed my plans. We are indeed going out to eat and I am focused on my excitement about it and not dwelling on the things I think people may be thinking. Things that they are likely not thinking at all. When I was younger I might have let these imagined judgments alter my plans and have me cooking for hours and hours. But at almost 35 I am wise enough to not let what others think or might be thinking to dictate my actions.
This Thanksgiving I am thankful that I am becoming more and more confident in doing my own thing. I am thankful that I’ll be spending Turkey Day with my mom and cousin, who both mean so much to me. I am thankful that the food will be good. I am thankful that I don’t have to cook it. Most of all I am thankful that I don’t have to clean up after.
How will you be spending your Turkey Day? Will you be doing what you really want to do? If not, do you think you’ll be doing something different next year? Lastly, what are you thankful for?
Did that for Christmas 2015. It was so liberating and there were other families at the restaurant too. Yeah to new traditions.
I understand how people could judge you because Thanksgiving is full of the same type of food especially turkey which is supposed to be reserved for this time of year only. No, I once had a bf mom tell me she wanted a non-traditional thanksgiving because she has been eating Turkey on Thanksgiving all her life…she wanted a seafood Thanksgiving which doesnt even sound half bad. Thanksgiving is about getting together with your loved ones it is NOT meant to be Turkey Day same as Christmas is NOT about Santa.
I had a non-traditional Thanksgiving one year at my sister's house and I really didn't like it. I'm a turkey kind of girl – lol! Enjoy Thanksgiving though girl!
We actually went out for dinner this year (in Canada). It was the best decision – no clean up!
I'll be doing the cooking this year. I'm excited though it'll be the first family dinner in my new place.
We've had some less traditional Thanksgivings, and they've always been a blast. It can be hard doing something different when you cherish the tradition, but I'm positive you're going to have a wonderful holiday with your family.
Last year we didn't cook for thanksgiving instead we went to an Italian family restaurant. This year my family is coming in from out of town. So it's going to be Thanksgiving on steroids.
We don't do turkey n Thanksgiving as no one likes it but me! We usually make a roast and it is just the four of us.
I look forward to the holidays every year JUST for the turkey. We had our thanksgiving in October here in Canada, and now I'm anxiously awaiting Christmas for more Turkey. I know so many who don't really do turkey anymore! – Jeanine
I am not against going out to eat for Thanksgiving at all. It is so much work!
I think it's great that your willing to step out of your comfort zone and try this. I hope you have a great Turkey Day.
I need to visit your Ruth's Chris! We never left there without spending at least $75 a person. I am actually no cooking this year, unless plans change last minute. We'll be going to the in-laws, thankfully!
My daughter and son in law went out to eat for Thanksgiving last year with my son in law's parents. They said it was a really good experience!
I have never cooked a turkey! The thought of burning a huge bird like that scares me
I'm actually cooking the turkey for the first time. I am so nervous about it. I think if you're going out to eat, that's great for you. It's about spending time as a family, not about the food and no one said it HAS to be home cooked
I'm very lucky regarding cooking and the holidays. I actually enjoy making the whole 9 every year. It's fun!
Last year we did an nontraditional Thanksgiving and had Gumbo, Jambalaya, Fried Chicken and sides. It was a great break from the norm, especially since Christmas is right around the corner.
I may suggest dining out next year as its all about how we choose to recognize the day and it's not about the food.