I’m back!
I returned home safely from my trip to Las Vegas from Blogalicious 2012. Special Thanks to The Unconventional Librarian and Show and Stay Blog for stepping in with guest posts while I was away. My Blogalicious trip was awesome. I had so much fun with my girlfriends who came along with me. I have also come home with so much inspiration and enthusiasm to bring to Chasing Joy. But, I will go into detail about all of that in another post coming soon.
Today I am announcing our October Challenge. I am not a particularly competitive person in terms of competing with others. But I love to compete against myself with challenges that help me to improve and grow. So for the month of October I am challenging myself and you to a Gratitude Challenge.
When I first started college a few years ago, along with all of the excitement I experienced I was also quite a bit overwhelmed. One of the ways I handled the stress was by keeping a little journal. The journal was not of the diary type chronicling my daily deeds. It was a little different. One of the things that I journaled was gratitude. Every day I would write down three things I was thankful for. Doing this kept me grounded. It kept me from focusing too much on all the things that could go wrong in this new environment. I was busy being thankful for all that was going right. It also kept me from having a woe is me attitude when things would go wrong. It is hard to be consumed with self-pity while also practicing gratitude.
So, Our Challenge for the month of October is practice gratitude. I want you to start each day listing three things you are thankful for. The only rules are you cannot have any repeats and you must write them down. Every day list three new things you are appreciative of. Now, while I cannot tell you what to be thankful for I do want to encourage you to go a little deeper and list things that are not so obvious, like health, children, employment, etc…
With this challenge it is really important to take the step of writing the 3 things down. You can list them all together in your very own gratitude journal. I will be posting my three things on the Chasing Joy Facebook Page and on Twitter with the hashtag #CJOctChallenge. You are more than welcome to do the same and I will retweet and share your postings. You can also feel free to email me your three gratitude’s at joychasing@yahoo.com. I also encourage you to get your like minded friends involved. You could text them your 3 things and become accountability partners for the challenge.
Let’s get started. Today I am thankful for:
- friends who support my passion for blogging and Chasing Joy
- every opportunity I have to sleep late
- long, hot showers
Who’s with me? Who accepts the CJOctChallenge? What are you thankful for Today?
This is a great idea. I accept the gratitude challenge. The three things I am grateful for today are: I found a cover for the couch in my office in the laundry room at home, my son did a dirty chore I did not want to do, I found the hand knitted socks I was trying to find.
That's awesome about the dirty chore Janeane 🙂