#AtoZChallenge, And It’s Over!

Z is for Zipped. This month has zipped by. I cannot believe April is over, but I sure am glad that it is. The month has actually been pretty good. However, this #AtoZChallenge has me worn out. Blogging 6 days a week is tough. I am glad I did the blog challenge. I did not miss any days. A big highlight for a nerdy girl like me was that I learned a new word Xeric. I hope you guys enjoyed the extra posts. If you missed them, then I suggest you start with … READ MORE
Say Yes To Joy

Y is for Yes! Did you ever see the Jim Carey movie The Yes Man? It was a cute movie. It is about a guy (played by Jim Carey) who always says no to everything. Then for a reason I cannot remember the guy becomes unable to say no. He says yes to every single thing. This leads to a bunch of precarious and silly situations. Even though I only watched it once I really liked the movie. It made me think about myself. While I'm not as bad as the guy in the movie, I am a … READ MORE
#100DaysofFitness Goals

X is for Xeric. Xeric means characterized by, relating to, or requiring only a small amount of moisture. Xeric is the exact opposite of what I will. I'll be requiring lots and lots of moisture aka water as I'm going to be sweating up a storm for the next 100 days. Yesterday I started my 2nd #100DaysOfFitness Challenge. Last Monday I completed my 1st 100 days. I took the rest of the week off and started again yesterday. Here is my getting started video. … READ MORE
Getting Social In Real Life at #ContentCampPHL

W is for Where, as in Where are you today? I am spending this Saturday at Content Camp Philly. I try to get to all of the social media events that happen in Philly. I learn so much at these conferences. I also love connecting with readers and potential readers in person. Do you get social in real life? What was the last social media or blog event you attended? Are you at Content Camp Philly today? If you are tweet me @Chasing_Joy so we can chat in person. … READ MORE
#FlashbackFriday: Vlogs (Video Blogs)

V is for Vlog!!! Did you see my last Vlog on YouTube video??? If you follow me on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram then you probably did. On Monday I completed day 100 of my #100DaysofFitness Challenge. I did a quick video recap of my experience and thanked all of you who have been showing me lots of support. If you didn't see the video then here it is. (If you haven't already head over to my YouTube channel and check out my other videos. There are almost 30 … READ MORE