Anxiety on a Hundred Thousand Trillion!

Ugh Anxiety! I have had anxiety issues for as long as I can remember. I was a good kid largely because I had so many worries about consequences. So anxiety is nothing new. It does ebb and flow. Lately it has been flowing. There's a lot going on with motherhood, new position at work, and managing bills and mortgage payments for two houses. So the anxiety is not really surprising. Luckily the big perk of writing Chasing Joy for over 10 years is I can go back and read my own advice … READ MORE
Dear 2020

Dear 2020, Sorry I am a little late with your welcome letter. I’ve been a little busy with the things 2019 put into motion. I am glad you are here. I welcomed you with friends in laughter seeing Dave Chappelle and you immediately rewarded me with a little cash at the casino a few hours later. So if you’ve set a tone for the year in those 1st few hours it is fun, friendship, and prosperity. I like it! The bar has been set rather high for you. 2017 gave me the promise of my bundle … READ MORE
Starting to Look A Lot like Christmas

It is starting to look a lot like Christmas around here. I have always enjoyed decorating for Christmas. In the past I was the only one to see it. Maybe a couple other people would see them if I had visitors but that's it. This year will be different. I am hosting for Christmas so about 20 people will get to see them. I'm so excited. I keep saying I'm done decorating but then I'd think of something else. I finally think I'm done now that Christmas is only 4 days away, LOL! Here is … READ MORE
Feeling Like I’m in College Again

Tonight I felt like I was in college again. But, not for the reason you think. It was not hanging out with my college roommate, being in a club environment, or the throwback songs that were being played. I went to Temple University. For some reason, almost all of the parties I attended there, were on Thursday night. That meant everything I did on a Thursday,leading up to the party, was in preparation for Friday. All homework and any other important tasks had to be completed so I … READ MORE
Looking Forward to Christmas

Christmas is a week away and I'm looking forward to it. The thing I'm most looking forward to is having my extended family at my house. Traveling with a toddler means I have to bring my whole house with me. It will be awesome to have everyone here at my house. I'll get to enjoy everyone without having the stess of hoping I have everything Baby Joy Chaser needs. This is well worth the stress of hosting. Or at least I feel that way now, LOL. Are you looking forward to Christmas? What ate you … READ MORE