K is for Kindness.
For the month of April I will be posting every day except Sunday for the #AtoZChallenge. I do not normally post on Saturdays (Chasing Joy’s Normal Posting Schedule is Monday, Wednesday, and Friday). So I figured I’d keep things light today.
I hope you will enjoy these Pins on kindness from Pinterest. The world would be a much more Joyful place if were were all a little kinder to each other and ourselves.
Are you on Pinterest? I’d love to follow you all on Pinterest. Leave a link to your pinterest profile in the comments below so that I can follow you.
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Visiting from A/Z; I liked the quotes of kindness. I've visited several other bloggers who chose Kind/Kindness for their letter K; almost like everyone was trying to get the message out for the world to be kinder by being nicer to each other. I am not really on Pinterest; I have a profile and boards set up over there, but I am rarely on there; love it, just not enough hours in the day to get it all done 🙂
Good luck with the rest of the challenge!
Stopping by on the 12th day of the #atozchallenge. Having a good time today blog hopping, saying hi and moving on. I have enjoyed the Pinterest world and have worked hard with my boards, first supporting a novel I have written, and then all the other passions have crept in. If you have time or interest, I am writing about gardening and related topics this month. Come and visit.
Very inspiring posts!
Well done.
Heather M. Gardner
The Waiting is the Hardest Part
Stormy's Sidekick
Blogging from A to Z April Challenge Co-Host
Your blog is lovely and all the posts about kindness that you've pinned are so wonderful and true. Good luck with the rest of the challenge! 🙂