Pregnant or Not Pregnant, that is the question. I was much more optimistic about this IUI than the first one. I used the IPAD App Fertility Friend to track my temperatures and determine my ovulation.The timing for the first one was not good. I ovulated three days after the IUI. That’s just too late. This time the app showed that I ovulated the same day as the IUI. That is great timing much better than the first time. I was a nervous wreck during the two week wait. But mixed in those nerves was a lot of hope because the timing was so good. Now, the wait is over. The results are in.
Thank you all for your continued support, prayers, and baby dust!
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Sending baby dust your way, F4L/Sis! <3
Aw I was really hoping you would be announcing your pregnancy in this video. I am sending positive vibes your way!
I'm so sorry IUI #2 didn't work! Hopefully your dr has suggestions that will help for your next go round. (HUG)
Thanks Lashawn! I'm hoping my desires match God's timeline real soon.