One of the things I love the most about the IPad I won at a SITS Girls event last spring is that I can download books on it from my library. I am not a person who re-reads books so I try to only borrow them from the library. Having the IPad makes that much easier, but that’s not why I love it. I love it because I can download audio books. I am “reading” so much more now.
Right now I am reading listening too the book Change Your Brain Change Your Body by Daniel G Amen. This book is all about brain health and how it impacts our bodies. It covers how head trauma, our diets, supplements, sleep or lack thereof, sex life, and exercise impacts how our brains and therefore the rest of our bodies work. All of that info is important, but the part that I am paying super close attention to is how our actual thoughts impact our brain and body.
It’s funny our thoughts take place in our brains but our thoughts also impact our brains. The book gives some examples of studies where people were made to believe they had received procedures to decrease pain and had raised levels of natural pain reducing hormones in thier bodies even when no procedures were actually done. So positive beliefs can actually bring about positive change in our bodies. Likewise believing something negative can bring about negative change in our bodies. That is why positive thinking and NO NEGATIVE SELF TALK is so important.
The book covers 9 different types of Negative thinking that we should steer clear of. Here goes:
1. All or Nothing Thinking – This is where your thoughts are black and white when really life is many shades of gray. An example of this would be when you eat a donut for breakfast and think, oh well, I’ve gone of my healthy eating plan so I might as well have junk food for lunch, hit the vending machine for a snack and order takeout for dinner. All or Nothing Thinking makes you give up on too soon. Either you are eating healthy or definitely not. Instead a better way to approach it would be to say I may have gone off plan but I can get back on.
2. Always Thinking – Always Thinking is when you speak in absolutes using words like never, always, and every time. An example would be a thought like every time I try to go to bed early something goes wrong. Always Thinking is not accurate (it is not realistic that something goes wrong every time) and makes you feel powerless. If you are powerless, why would you even try.
I'm really bad about fortune telling. I always dwell on what might go wrong. I really need to think more positively.
This sounds like a great informational book that I could use. I try to avoid negative thinking but sometimes it isn't possible.
I used to be a labeler, I have since become very conscious of it and done away with that type of thinking. Great post!
This is a good article that will help people get a better attitude and as a result, a better life.
I think we are all guilty of these negative thought processes from time to time. I just try to remind myself to be grateful and that all people are equal – so I am no less and no better than anyone else. 🙂
I'm getting much, much better about turning things around into positives. It makes everything happier that way.
I engage in most of those 9 negative thoughts every day. It's true that negative thoughts do affect our bodies.
I needed this today. such good reminders to try to stop negative thinking in its tracks.
Great post. Great reminders. I should print it out and put on my fridge
OMG – I call myself fat all the time! It's really a habit I need to get rid of.
Great post! I love this!!
These are so spot on. My husband would say for me is mind reading. I have to admit I'm not a mind reader!
I participate in a few of these, though I had to admit that. I think the guilt beating is probably the worst for me. I reflect on what I should/could/would have done way too much!
Around that time of the month I have the worst guilt tripping talking to me. Ugh I hate it,
This is so good. I find myself so much healthier when focusing on what is right instead of what's wrong.
Those are great reminders. Sometimes it's easy to not see the positive, but that isn't the healthiest thing for us mentally.
I am actually a very positive and optimistic person by nature. I am married to someone that's the complete opposite.
I work with my youngest on the fortune telling. "I'll never be able to ride my bike." "I'll never be able to read." "I'll never be able to tie my shoe." All of which he can now do and I remind him liberally when he says, 'I'll never…" He's getting better though. 🙂
I think I use guilt beatings, mind reading and blame the most. This is a very interesting list and has made me think a lot about the way I think and how some of my thoughts may be negative. Thanks for sharing!
-Janel C.
I have to constantly redirect my brain to a better state of mind, normally it was coming naturally, but this past year I have had a lot of changes that make it more difficult. I am overall though a positive mindset type of person and do agree with your post fully!
I'm really bad about guilt beatings. I need to know that things are in the past and move on.
I have caught myself doing some of these occasionally. I agree it is harmful to ourselves to allow negative thinking.
i'm having lots of those negative thoughts lately. Lots going on and it's hard to see the bright side.
I've really focused on positive thinking the past few years. It always helps to expect the best but realize that it doesn't always work out like that. I've convinced my husband to start believing great things will happen instead of the worst case scenario and he's really liking the change in attitude and what it manifests.
I over think ALL the time and I have noticed it brings a lot of negative energy my way. I am constantly worrying and it never helps the situation. I hate having negative energy around!
Love this post!!! A lot of these are my personality but I read Soul Detox and am retraining my brain how to think. Thanks for a GREAT post!!!
My husband wonders why I am so negative. I like to tease him and say that I'm never dissapointed!
I've gone through all of those. I try to stay positive when I can.
Whenever I get overly stressed I do a lot of negative thinking – especially of the thinking too much. I will analyze from a hundred different angles, all night long.
I am guilty of all of them at one time or another! I am really working on just staying positive in general!
I'm guilty of fortune telling. I'm trying to work on it.
I think I am the queen of guilt beatings. I beat myself up over a lot of stupid stuff sometimes!
I am guilty of all or nothing… a perfectionist tendency I assume is the root cause.
thinking I can't do something or labeling. I need to work on those things!
I'm probably guilty of negative thinking sometimes. I think I'm being realistic but I guess it comes off as negative.
Blame is the worst. I totally agree. Thanks for sharing this.
I recently posted about negative self talk. I think people do this more than they like to admit. Glad there is a book out there that can help!
Ouch. Hate to say it, but I'm completely guilty of #3 on a regular basis.
Probably #3.. i'm trying to focus less on when my girls do something wrong and build them up when they do something good, even if it is expected of them.
Oh, but I'm really good at mind reading. Even when I'm not reading the right persons mind (like when I am SO SURE what my husband is thinking… and he's not).
Kidding. I'm a work in progress for negative thinking. Trying to stop!
I think I am guilty of negative thinking sometimes. I try to think positive, but sometimes I get overwhelmed and the bad thoughts creep in.
I probably use guilt beatings, labeling, and focusing on the negative things.
I've seen Dr. Amen's presentations on Channel 12; my favorite of his suggestions is eliminating "ants" or "automatic negative thoughts." I fall into that occasionally, but I can nip that in the bud by exaggerating the negative outcome until the ridiculousness hits me. Hey, isn't that overindulgent? Silly? Then I'll chuckle and move on.
I am pinning your 9 Thoughts graphic to my Thoughts to Consider board. Thanks for sharing these ideas!
Dana, I first saw him on channel 12 too. I was happy to see his book was available at the library.