Do you think you are a sane person? I thought I was one too. I mean, I have a few issues (anxiety, emotionally eating and a little melancholy, hence my Chasing Joy) but overall I considered myself to be a sane and stable person. That is until I tried to get pregnant. OMG!!!! Now I know I am indeed insane.
This process makes you crazy!. Deciding it’s time for plan B. Stressing over picking a sperm donor. Getting all kinds of tests done. Finally, getting inseminated. Followed by the dreaded two week wait, two long weeks of over analyzing every little twinge, pain, and waive of nausea.
Around week two of the wait is when you really start to lose it. Every trip to the bathroom leaves you hoping for signs of implantation and a desire to capture your pee in a cup so that you can carefully stick a pregnancy test in it and count one one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand… all the way up to 5, 15, or 20 depending on the test. You start doing this way too early and when the test does not say pregnant you do it over and over and over again, day after day, up until the time that you should have waited to test in the first place.
For those of you who know me or have been reading Chasing Joy for a while and don’t believe that I am now insane. Here is the video to prove it. I tested, tested, and tested some more…..
Now you are a witness to my insanity. I actually did more tests than shown in the video. SMH! It was bad!!!
I won’t leave you hanging. I know you want to know what the official verdict was. What the blood tests results showed.
Have you ever tried to get pregnant? Did you get pregnant the first month or did it take a while? Did you have an IUI, IVF or do good old fashion (and much more fun) baby dancing? Give me the details. Let’s compare notes!!!
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