#powerup2013 pic.twitter.com/Injk0TvalL
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) September 9, 2013
This weekend I had a great great (that’s right had to say it twice) experience at Power Up 2013. Hopefully you were following my tweets and the hashtag #PowerUp2013 so that you could enjoy virtually. If not check them out now.
I have never been to a conference like this before. I did not have the opportunity to go to Power Up 2012 so I did not know what to expect. I knew there would be other bloggers there but it was not a blog conference. It was better than I could have imagined.
The purpose of Power Up is to uplift and empower women. There were a lot of speakers covering a variety of topics. However there was one theme that crossed every session. That theme was MINDSET. Whether the session was about letting go of past hurts, forgiveness, health, finances, networking, or making money in business having the right mindset for the outcome you want is key. We all experience painful events in life and things that make us fearful. These things alter our mindset and take us off track, and make us feel we cannot have the life we want. Power Up was about encouraging us to get our minds right and getting back in the mindset that we can have the lives we want.
Based on the conversations I had with other attendees and some of the tweets using the hashtag most of us left the conference feeling very reflective of our current lives vs. the lives we want to have, the people we need to forgive, the things we need to let go of, the fast food we need to stop eating, the financial moves we need to make. The great thing about the speakers is that they left us with some practical tips. It’s impossible for me to share all that I learned (which is why you should go next year) but here are a few things that stood out to me.
- Take time to discover what you really want. Not what you think you should want, but what you actually want.
- There are two types of problems, surface problems and root problems. Example: someone may have a surface problem of bad spending habits, the root problem may be a deep desire to please others and avoid rejection. The desire to people please and avoid rejection may lead to buying things they can’t afford or making financial commitments in order to look good to others. Take time to figure out if your problems are surface problems or root problems. You want to work on the root problems.
- The 5 Ps:
- Passion – What do I want.
- Purpose – Why do I want it.
- Power – I can do anything
- Persistence – I won’t give up
- Positivity – I will have a positive attitude
- Make plans for your life based on your goals and priorities and hold yourself accountable to yourself.
- When bad things happen use the 3 A’s to avoid keeping it in.
- Awarness – Admit that the thing happened. Don’t be in Denial
- Acceptance – Accept what responsibility you had or did not have in the situation. Sometimes painful things do happen to us that are not our fault. It is just as important to Accept that you were not at fault or to blame
- Action – Depends on the situation, but could include apologizing, forgiving yourself and others, counseling, changing behaviors, etc.
- Invest in yourself including professional development, education, appearance etc.
- Know what your financial situation is including how much you owe and how much you have.
- Before you get married know what your spouse owns and what he or she owes.
- Make the decision to be wealthy (all about mindset)
- What does wealth look like to you?
- Don’t let the media dictate what wealth looks like to you.
- What will wealth feel like for you?
- Write a financial plan
- Are you willing to pay the price to have more money?
- 4 financial steps to follow:
- Increase awareness of how much you have and what you do with it
- Be dedicated and disciplined
- Commit to the process but be willing to be flexible
- Take inspired action with your financial decisions
- Wealth is 80% mindset and 20% budgets and financial strategy
- In your life understand the cost of staying the same and not moving forward
- You become similar to the people you spend most of your time with. Hang with Great People!
- Lastly, spend quiet time with yourself, without TV, Music, or other distractions. Listen to your thoughts and possibly even hear God giving you inspiration.
Me and @uncommonchick at #powerup2013 🙂 great meeting in real life. pic.twitter.com/H5f4IkEQVm
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) September 9, 2013
It was cool to meet @EmbraceStruggl1 in person too at #powerup2013. pic.twitter.com/9aBNBWfdwk
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) September 9, 2013
Become known in your community before you try to be a global sensation. Wisdom from @iCoachWomen #powerup2013
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) September 7, 2013
“You cant run a successful business without relationships” ~ @icoachwomen #powerup2013
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) September 7, 2013
Ask yourself “is this serving me” to help you make healthier choices. Tip from @ToshPatterson @toshpat #powerup2013
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) September 7, 2013
“Celebrate who you are right now” ~ @ToshPatterson #powerup2013
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) September 7, 2013
The common theme of #powerup2013 for me is mind set. #GetYourMindRight
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) September 7, 2013
“What is the enemy of my body being great” ~ @UneekaJay #powerup2013
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) September 7, 2013
I realize how far I have gotten of track with my financial plans after listening to @lashawneholland. I have work to do #powerup2013
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) September 7, 2013
“God is not in the habit of funding your addiction to spending.”~ @lashawneholland #Powerup2013
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) September 7, 2013
“Don’t be do busy thst you miss all of the messages of Love God is sending you.”~ @lucindaspeaks #Powerup2013
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) September 7, 2013
“I am not in charge of what someone thinks of me” ~ @Cecilyk #Powerup2013
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) September 7, 2013
As you can see Power Up was an amazing and uplifting experience. I feel inspired to work even harder for the things I want in my life; husband, children, growing the Chasing Joy community, losing weight, learning more at the day job, and becoming wealthy.
Were you at Power Up 2013 or 2012? What were some of your takeaways? If you could not be there do any of the above takeaways resonate with you?
This sounds like a really cool event! Having the right mindset is everything, I'm really trying to get mind together.
*sigh* SO sad I didn't get to go this year, but THANK YOU for the amazing live tweets! I see it surely did not disappoint!!! Hoping to be able to make it next year!
Sounds like a great conference! Let us know when tickets go on sale for next year – I may join you 🙂
I'll definitely let you know when #PowerUp14 is.
I LOVE the 5 Ps!
I shall stick them to my Fridge! Xx
What a great idea Inner Chick. Maybe I'll make a 5Ps Printable.
You tweeted up a storm, Arlett! The Internet connection was dicey at times so I couldn't do as much online as I wanted to.
You did a great job here of capturing the essence and the details of the conference. I am so, so, so glad that you promoted it and encouraged me to go. It was the best. I am still processing so much of what was said. I haven't had time to sit and go through all of my notes, but rest assured I will.
#powerup2013 will go down in my books as a game changer and food for not just thought but action. Looking forward to next year's conference already!
I'm so glad you were able to come Alison. It was a great day!