I am not one of those people who fears getting older. I don’t look 30 most of the time so I doubt I’ll wake up tomorrow looking old and decrepit. I think for me the anxiety comes from feeling like I am getting older and not accomplishing anything. Feeling like here I am a year later and nothing is really different. Same job, same house, and same relationship status.
But then I remember a feeling is just that a feeling and not necessarily a true representation of reality. So let’s take a moment to see all that is different since I turned 30:
At least 3 new friends
New hair color
New furniture
Weight loss
New (increasing) responsibilities at work
In addition to giving you a reason to party, have people do what you want, and be self indulgent Birthdays give you a reason to be reflective. When I reflect on these last 30 years I see that I have accomplished a lot. Here are some of my most proud of accomplishments:
I am a home owner
I own my own car that I paid of a year early
I have lost 19lbs
I have a stable job
I am financially independent and capable of providing for myself
I have several friendships that have lasted over a decade (some 2
I have maintained my faith and spirituality although I have a hard
time with church
I have found a healthy outlet for my anxiety, anger, and fears
I am honest
I am pushing myself to try new things and gain new experiences
I am a woman of my word
I am a college graduate
I have made some new friends
I have advanced in my career
I am a great Pet Parent
I have gone on several vacations
And of course I am Chasing Joy
So what will 31 have in store for me? What will be new this time next year? What accomplishments will I add to the list next year? Suddenly 31 is looking very exciting.
How has your life changed in the last year? What have you accomplished that you are most proud of?
Makes me wish I'd made a list like yours when I hit 31, it's great to see your accomplishments, I'll hang on to this for when I hit 41 in some years
For now I'll keep enjoying my 30's.
Fitnessbuster Supporting you in getting your fitness and nutrition back on track
Turning 30 was hard for me. Having just turned 34, I'm now dreading the downward slide to 40. But, what can do you? The good news is, I don't think I look my age and I know I don't feel old, so there's that.
i can hear the pride in your voice coming through your words. you have a lot to be proud of, thank you for linking up and telling us!
Age is all relative. You've accomplished a lot of things and have lots of reasons to be proud.
Yes, you have many accomplishments to be proud of. Age is just a number. What counts is how you live those years; always young in mind and spirit
Thanks Sasha
Welcome to the over 30 and loving it group! : )