The TWW sucks!!! Do you know what the TWW is? Unless you have spent some time trying to get pregnant or reading about trying to get pregnant then you probably don’t. TWW stands for Two Week Wait. This is the two weeks of torture between the time you ovulated and when you will be able to find out from a pregnancy test if you are pregnant.
On internet forums about trying to conceive the two week wait has also be called the two week torture. The 2nd name is much more accurate. Its torturous because you start paying an inordinate amount of attention to what is going on in your lower abdomen. Every twinge leaves you wondering if you are becoming pregnanat. I wish our bodies could send us some kind of signal as soon as the sperm units with the egg. Something like a pop up indicator like the ones on roaster chickens would be good. As soon as the sperm meets the egg the indicator could pop up and you’d know that a bun was in the oven, stop the alcohol, intense exercise and heavy lifting. But alas it does not work that way.
Here is a video from my YouTube channel on my thoughts 3 days after my IUI during the TWW aka Two Weeks Torture.
This journey to becoming a mom is an essential step for me in Chasing Joy but this Two Week Wait part is difficult. Have you been through it? How did you not go crazy?
Keep praying for me and sending me lot’s of baby dust!!!
It's been forever for me and we tried (the old fashioned way lol) for three months. It was def torture because first time we were TTC and second time was a nice surprise so anxiety waiting that time hahaha! But you def become more in tune with everything going on with your body during those two weeks. I think I just read way too much stuff online and that was 13 years ago and there wasn't nearly as much on the web then ?