Your’s truly, Moi, has been nominated for a Black Weblog award. Ok, I nominated myself but hey if you wouldn’t vote for yourself they why would anybody else. So I voted for myself and now it is your turn to vote for me for best personal blog. I hope you are all ready to click on my name but in case you are thinking “Why should I vote for her” here are 12 reasons why I deserve your vote 🙂
- I keep it real. I try to be very genuine and honest on the blog. In my hypnosis for weight loss series I talk all about my struggles with my weight and the mental road blocks in the way of my healthy lifestyle. I’ve also been open about how I sometimes feel lonely and my desires to meet Mr. Joy Chaser.
- I show up. When Joy Chasers invite me to their events I try to be there. That’s how I got to go to the kick off for Philly’s 17 days of fashion and to meet the documentary film maker who’s been traveling the country living off of American Made products
- I am a connector. I connect bloggers with each other and new readers with the weekly #FlashbackFriday Linky.
- I give you stuff. While this blog is not the go to spot for product reviews and giveaways every now and then a lucky Joy Chaser will get some goodies. Sometimes unexpectedly and sometimes with lots of notice like the Free Candle Giveaway that’s going on now.
- I believe in giving back. Last year I encouraged readers to collectively commit 100 Acts of Joy by giving of time or money during the Holiday season. Right now I am preparing the 1st Chasing Joy Charity Event supporting women transitioning from welfare to work.
- I give you your props. Every Wednesday on the Chasing Joy Facebook and Twitter pages you will find us Joy Chasers shouting out each other for our accomplishments for #WaytogoWednesday!
- I try new things. I am learning to embrace new experience to find the Joy in them. Sometimes it is a good experience like when I became a ballerina. Sometimes it’s not so good of an experience like when I failed to find my peace in Meditation.
- I share the knowledge. Almost everything I have learned about blogging can be found on this blog. I take a many notes as possible at conferences and blogger meet up so that I can share with any readers who wanted to be their but couldn’t. My Blogalicious, Blogging While Brown, and Bloggy Boot Camp recaps offer so many resources.
- I value friendships. I am a Girlfriend Guru for Girlfriendology where I offer my take on how to be a good girlfriend when helping your friends celebrate their important moments or helping them set important goals.
- I keep it positive. While I certainly feel there is a time and place for venting feelings of frustration, I do keep the overall vibe of Chasing Joy positive by focusing on accomplishing goals with #MakeitHappenMonday and encouraging gratitude with #ThankfulThursday.
- I make you smile. I know you can’t help but to smile when I post pictures of my furry friends.
- Last but not least Vote for me for best personal blog because you can relate to my quest for Joy and enjoy reading my post.
Now After you vote for me feel free to vote for my bloggy friend Your Chic is Showing who has also been nominated for a Black Weblog Award.
VOTE NOW because the 1st rounds of voting ends on October 1st.
So why did you Vote for Chasing Joy? What draws you to Chase Joy with me?
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Done! Congratulations and best of luck!!
Thanks Miss Rachel 🙂