Most of the time when I write a blog post I am excited for everyone to read it. I anxiously await for you guys to leave me a comment responding to what I’ve written. But every now and then I write a post that fills me with more angst than excitement. Most of those anxiety inducing most have to do with my weight. You see I am pretty good at many things but maintaining or losing weight is not one of them. So writing about my desire and need to lose weight requires a certain level of vulnerability on my part.
My weight has been a battle for me for over 20 years now. For the most part I feel like I’m losing 🙁 But, I have never been a quitter. Over the years I have tried counting points, cutting calories, avoiding crabs, meal delivery programs and even hypnosis. Some of these worked short term but none had lasting results. After each attempt at weight loss I’d find myself weighing a little more than before my attempt.
However I have to keep trying. This excess weight is weighing down my Joy. In theory weight loss should be easy move more eat less. I’m sure we all know it’s not quite that simple. I know for me as soon as I begin to limit myself saying I can only eat X amount of this or I am taking X food out of my diet that’s all I think about and when I go off plan I eat more than I did before, hence the weight gain. So I’m thinking I will attempt to change my focus. Instead of focusing on elimination and what I should not be eating I am going to focus on what foods I should add to my diet or eat more of. The idea is that if I can fill up on healthy foods, there will be less room for unhealthy foods.
Because lists make me happy, here is a list of healthy foods that I like and should eat more of:
Greek Yogurt
Granny Smith Apples
Mandarin Oranges
Apple Sauce
Green Beans
Lean Beef
Brown Rice
Salad Greens
Plain Cheerios
Light Soy Milk
Whole Wheat Pasta
Lean Pork
The key words above are “I Like” I know there are lots of other healthy food out there but these are the ones I know I’ll have no problem eating.
What are your go to healthy foods? What do you stock up on when you are trying to lose a few (or more than a few) pounds?
I have a problem: I love all foods that are bad for me. My problem is I go through spurts where my weight is fine, I exercise, I make healthy choices. But then, there are times like now, where I am stressed and I eat whatever and barely exercise. And then I see a photo of myself( that I didn't take ) and I am SHOCKED at how much weight I've gained. it's a work in progress. I think. We will have ups and downs but we can do this!
I've added more spinach to my meals and eliminated white breads. I've also eliminated sodas and most fruit juices (I'll still have an occasional orange juice), but pretty much just drink water and unsweetened tea (which I've loved all along). Seriously, as well, I've thought about how crappy I'd feel after eating the salty/sugary things I ate. Crappy as in the physical. I could eat something from a fast food place and within 30 minutes feel like I had been hit in the back of the head with a 2 by 4. You can do it, allow your support team to help keep you encouraged.
I know where you're coming from girlie, I've recently started watching the sugars and exercising. I think my new to go to food is Shredded Wheat (plain straight up from the box)
Keep it up and give me a shout out if you need some support.
I am totallu hooked on hummus! We made our own last week and it was all kinds of awesome.
Rachee can you share your recipe?