H is for Health.
I am less than two weeks away from completing the #100DaysofFitness challenge. Unfortunately, no matter how much I exercise I won’t be healthy carrying this much extra weight. Exercise is hard, but I find it much easier to work out every day than to control what I eat. I’m sure some of you can relate and others of you are like that’s crazy. We all have different weaknesses. Food is mine.
I decided to join Weight Watchers to help me get control of my eating habits. I know the program works because I have done it before. I did the At Home & Online programs years ago and was successful losing about 50 lbs. I gained it all back plus some after a couple of years. Then I tried Weight Watchers meetings two other times with not very good results. I found with the online program slow and steady weight loss was possible. With the meeting I felt pressure to be competitive and felt embarrassed to be the last person in my meeting to get the 10 lbs lost ribbon. For this reason I’m giving the online program a try.
Having been overweight since I was a kid, of course I have tried multiple different ways to lose weight. I have even written about healthy foods and motivation for losing weight on this blog. But I have had the most success with Weight Watchers online so I am giving it a go again, hopefully for the last time.
Have you ever used an organized weight loss program? Are you or have you ever been a Weight Watcher member? Did you do meetings, online, or both?
Weight Watchers is an amazing program. I've also found wearable fitness trackers help–they motivate you to get up and walk throughout the day because they count your steps.
I definitely need to work harder on watching what I eat. I can completely undo any good from a workout in one meal or snack.
AJ's AtoZ wHooligan
Tales of a Pee Dee Mama
Being conscious of what we eat is a workout but one that is also rewarding as we come to know rather than avoid ourselves.
Garden of Eden Blog
I did weight watchers many years ago online for the same reasons as you. I don't like to feel like I'm in competition with anyone other than myself. I'm on a weight loss journey too, but it's so hard! I looooove food! LOL. I am also lazy and don't like to work out. But I'm working on that! I am doing my fitness pal because it's free and I can just count my calories rather than points. What is great about weight watchers and counting calories is that you have to write down everything you eat. Makes you think twice!
I've lost around 60lbs and I'm now in maintenance (just hit my 1 year anniversary yay!). I did it with intermittent fasting 🙂 I blogged about the incredible, whacky and life changing journey I've been on, a few days ago on my blog, and included some before/after pictures-