I am now only days away from my 30th birthday. As I summarized in the heading of the blog my life is not exactly how I thought it’d be. Career wise I’m on track. However, there are other areas where I don’t have it all together yet (see Having It All Together for more details). I honestly thought I’d be married with children by 30. But regardless of how reality has matched with my ideals I’m still super excited to be turning 30.
Here are some of the reasons why…
• It feels like a New Beginning
• Getting carded is now a complement
• Cheaper car insurance
• I have a better body image and imagine it only getting better
• Learned not to worry about what other people think
• It is acceptable to have your own personal style and no longer a slave to fashion trends
• I have enough experience with people to Identify true friends
• Reruns on Thirty Something and Friends will be even funnier
• I have developed a more realistic view of life
• Have experienced disappointment and survived
• More confident in my decision making abilities
• Still youthful and sexy but Definitely a grownup – pleasing my parents is no longer a top priority
• I’m approaching my sexual peak…
• I can now be a state senator (not that I want to, but you never know)
• It’s a great excuse to go to AC and party with my friends
• I expect to wake up much wiser on my 30th birthday (not really but I do expect to become wiser over this next decade)
• I’m not turning 40
And ofcourse all of the things listed above greatly increase my potential for finding Joy in my 30s.
LOVE this post!!!! 30 was a good bday for me 31 was on the other hand was not so grand. lol.
Loved your post! I was one of those weird kids that always wanted to be older than I was! I couldn't wait to get out of my teens so that I could finally get from under the scorn from older adultls that came with being a teenager. I used to write out the years and then next to them, how old I would be and I always stopped at 30! I couldn't wait to be 30 and when I turned 30 in 2007, I expected to feel differently. I think I expected to feel more mature and that all the joking and kidding around I loved to do would have to be put to bed. Weird, huh? Well, I didn't feel any different but like you, i began to notice the confidence with which I carried myself and it felt and feels great as the years pass!
Laughing at the not turning 40 post. I am 35, turned it in Aug. A number is a number. People think I should be depressed because I am 35. I think I'm damn sexy and even more amazing the older I get. And smarter too. I look back at when I was in my early 20s and wonder what I was thinking sometimes. LOL
As for feeling smarter, yeah, didn't happen on my birthday. In fact, I don't feel any older than I did when I turned 30 or 25. I still feel the same, but I know my mind is more mature and I've read a lot more books since then and written better stories each year that passes.
The whole marriage and kid thing is just what society wants you to be brainwashed into thinking as a woman. There's nothing wrong with you, if you don't want those things or don't have them.
Enjoy being single. Be a little selfish. If you meet someone and want a family and a marriage, you won't get to be selfish. You'll have others to think about. But when it's just you, you get to do what you want to please only YOU. Just don't hurt anybody. LOL I'm not supporting that. LOL
This is my first Flashback linky. Hope to see you stop by my blog.
Too funny! I just did a post on women in their 40's. I had a HARD time turning 30 so it cracked me up to see you put: "• I’m not turning 40"
HA HA I hit this milestone recently. It feels like a page has turned!
I especially love that last one on the list. Nice and happy belated birthday!!