Sometimeses it is ok to be a copycat. For example when it comes to Chasing Joy and blogging.Would you jump off a bridge if all your friends were doing it???
Apparently I would. I’m starting this blog after reading the blogs of two women that I admire so very much and am luckily enough to call friend. Shout out to Bellyaches and Belly Laughs and Big Diva Headquarters.
This blog is not a soapbox for me to express my political and or religious views although I do have them and may touch on them from time to time. It is not a place for me to discuss the latest fashion and celebrity news. I will not be devoting every other post to the state of hip hop today and whether or not Jay-Z is a Mason.
What this blog is, is a collection of my thoughts, happy, sad, deep, meaningful, shallow or trivial. I’m putting my thoughts to paper as a form of self expression during a very difficult time in my life that I’m hoping to use as a springboard toward happiness. I am on a mission to find out what joy is for me and escape the sense of boredom that has always plagued me. I hope that some of you will relate and others will gain some insight into the ups and downs of a single, 30 year old woman, who do to recent traumatic events realizes she’s all grown up. Stay tuned…
Sounds like a noble search. More than a year has passed, I hope the blog has helped you discover some of what you were looking for.
Thank you also for stopping by and commenting today.
Penny, yes the blog has helped me discover my strength and that my stubborness can be a good thing. In this case being too stubbor to stop looking for Joy regardless of what life throws my way. 🙂
Joy – what better thing to chase! A worthy quest indeed.
I wish you much luck.
Thanks Angie 🙂
What a great beginning—a very personal entry on why you started your blog. It makes me want to read the next one. I look forward to more Flashback Fridays! Thank you.
Thanks A Book For my daughter. It was a very honest 1st post.