Joyful End of Year Goals

Waiting to start the SMART Goals meet up.
I can’t believe it is Fall already. Fall is not my favorite season. Despite the heat I do like Summer best. I love the long days. Then Spring because it is proximity to Summer and the flowering trees. Fall actually is my 3rd favorite leaving Winter for last.
There are two things that I do really like about Fall. I do enjoy the vibrant colors of Fall foliage. The other and more important thing that I like about Fall is the feeling of renewal and fresh start. This is 100% a leftover from childhood. Growing up in Philadelphia, in the Northeastern United States, we always started school in September. September, and the Fall, represented a new school year, new school supplies, new back to school clothes, new friends, and new, new, new. After college I started my career working for the federal government in September. So even now, the Fall represents a new work year for me.
That feeling of renewal makes me reflect on goals and setting end of year goals. That is why I had the Free SMART Goals meetup on Friday. The meetup was great for me. Taking those few hours to focus on goals helped me to get a clear plan for several end of year goals (I’ll share some below). It also helped me to prioritize my goals. There is always a list of about 15 things I feel like I need to be working on. I shared the tool that I use to help me prioritize my goals with those who came out. I also shared the SMART Goals worksheet I created to help transform those vague, shall I say wishes, into SMART Goals. With clarity on these end of year goals I feel more confidant that I will end 2017 Joyfully.
Remember SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Time Sensitive. Two of my personal SMART goals are below. In addition to these personal goals other goals worked on at the meet up included business goals, and financial goals (making money & saving money).
Initial goal 1. Get back to focusing on bible scriptures.
Initial goal 2. Eat better.
SMART Goal 1. I will focus on bible scriptures by writing out by hand a new scripture each week, sharing it online, and then reading it every day in the morning and before bed. Specific✔ Measurable✔ Actionable✔ Realistic✔Time Sensitive✔
SMART Goal 2. I will eat better by eating at least 1 fruit every day during breakfast or lunch and 1 serving of vegetables every day during lunch or dinner. Specific✔ Measurable✔ Actionable✔ Realistic✔ Time Sensitive✔
It is not too late for you to set some end of year goals. Make sure they are SMART.
Please share your SMART Goals in the comments. Also feel free to share any goal that you are having trouble transforming into a SMART Goal and I will try to help.
What are your end of year goals?
P.S I have shared the SMART Goals worksheet in the Chasing Joy Facebook Group. Click here to join >>> Add me to the group!!! I will also be sending out the SMART Goals worksheet in the next Chasing Joy Quarterly Newsletter . Click here to subscribe >>> Subscribe Me!!!