I like to keep fun things on my desk at work. I have pictures of my pets, nieces, nephews, and friends babies. I have mugs, paper weights, and a mouse pad representing my Alma mater, Temple University. I have magnets, calenders, and other souvenirs from my and my co-workers vacations. I have all of these things on my desk mixed in with papers file, post it notes and paper clips because they serve as little reminders of why I work. Of course I work to pay my bills, feed and clothe myself. But I also work to fund my vacations, gifts for the kids in my life, and the care of my pets.
Mixed in with all of these doodads is a little whit elephant. I like white elephants. They remind me of my Grandmother. She passed away when I was 12 so I did not get to know here well. At least not in that way that you get to know the adults in your family as you are becoming an adult yourself. I do have fond memories of her though. Here are a few:
- My grandmother had a white elephant statue in her living room. It was placed facing away from the door. It was supposed to bring luck. I am not superstitious but I enjoy having the elephant around to reminding me of her. I also have one in my living room.
- She feed me grits. I still enjoy them and eat them often.
- She allowed my parents to have fun and enjoy time sans me 🙂 She would baby-sit me on New Years Eve so they could go out.
- While my mom and aunts also crocheted I remember my grandmother finishing the most projects. In particular I remember a hot pink Tam that she made while showing me how to do it.
- I remember being mesmerized watching her hair turn from dark brown to gray as my mom put whit group on her head. This was the first time I remember seeing anyone get a perm (aka relaxer)
- I remember her friend from across the street wore her hair in two pigtails. She was the oldest lady I’d knew who wore her hair in pigtails.
- I remember that she mastered the art of venting. She’d get things off of her chest and out of her system without actually taking any action. Just fussing 🙂
- I remember the front steps were covered in that green faux-grass. I thought it was very cool.
- I remember her mother was blind and smoked a tobacco pipe.
- I remember her joking with my mom calling me motor-mouth. I may talk a little less. But I do think I have a way with words.
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Me and Mom-mom |
My favorite memory of a grandmother is actually from my grandmother-in-law who taught me how to keep a husband.
My memories are so fresh as my grandmother just recently passed. I will miss her wonderful cakes and the way she squeezed me when I hugged her.
Had no clue you were also a temple alum:)
Thanks for sharing! My favorite memory of my Grandma Hopson was that she always had a purse full of peppermints and would pass them to my sister and I in church. She wore her lipstick and curled her hair even if she didn't plan on leaving the house…lol
Thank you so much for sharing this. I often feel funny when I think of my grandpartments because, like you, my grandparents passed away when I was younger as well (when I was 9 and 12) so, my memories seem more "stunted" than some of my friends who have grandparents alive now. I often see or hear things that remind me of them and the amazing times I had with them. They still are two of my most favorite people in the whole world.
Every time my niece or nephew asks for strawberry milk, I remember my grandfather sneaking it to me at the breakfast table. And whenever I hear "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" I think of my grandmother who would sing along while I played it on the piano over and over (I was a mess when they sang it at inauguration). My Dad, Uncle, Brother and Nehpew all have the same twinkle in their eye that my grandfather had. And, I'm postive that when my niece turns into a little spitfire from time to time, that's a little bit of Alma (my grandmother) coming out in her.
And the memory I will always carry with me is curling up in the bed right between the both of them to snuggle in for a good night's sleep. I never missed an opportunity to do this – no matter how old I got.
Thanks for sharing your memories and reminding me of my own 🙂
I remember how much my grandparents stepped in and helped my mom when she suddenly found herself a single mother of three girls. Mostly, I remember the profound feeling of love that they shared with us daily.
My favorite memories of my grandmother that passed away this last summer is how much she loved her little house on a lake. She sold it a few years before she died, but I like to imagine her there in her happy place.
My other grandmother is still alive but very old and sick. When I was younger, she was super crafty with crocheting, all kinds of crafting, etc. When I was about 6, she made a christening gown for my preemie Cabbage Patch kid, complete with a faux fur coat. My mom just found that doll the other day in a closet and it was still wearing that outfit. 🙂