X is for Xeric.
Xeric means characterized by, relating to, or requiring only a small amount of moisture. Xeric is the exact opposite of what I will. I’ll be requiring lots and lots of moisture aka water as I’m going to be sweating up a storm for the next 100 days.
Yesterday I started my 2nd #100DaysOfFitness Challenge. Last Monday I completed my 1st 100 days. I took the rest of the week off and started again yesterday. Here is my getting started video.
I am super proud of completing my 1st 100 days, but this time I am going to approach it a little differently. The 1st go round I did not set any goals. Well, actually I had only 1 goal, complete the 100 days. Now that in know that I’m capable I will be setting some other goals. I also took beginning weight, measurement, and before photos. This way at the end of the 100 days I will be able to measure my progress. There are also a few areas, in terms of my level of fitness, that I’d like to see some progress.
During my 1st 100 day challenge I did not really lose any weight, maybe a couple of lbs. I did lose inches and was able to put on gym shorts that previously did not fit. I also purchased a dress in a size 16, a size I have not worn in several years. Fitness wise I got up to jogging 1 mile non-stop on the treadmill, 20 minutes on the stair master, and 165lbs leg presses. At the end of these 100 days of fitness I would like to accomplish the following goals:
- Lose 13 lbs
- Lose an inch each from under my boobs, my stomach, my hips and thighs
- Do push-ups daily working my way up to 15 on my toes
- Do crunches daily working my way up to over 200
- Be able to jog non stop 1.25 miles on the treadmill.
- Be able to do the stair master for 30 minutes
P.S I should get bonus points for finding an X word for the #AtoZChallenge.
I'm tempted … not to give up my dark chocolate (hello, antioxidants, lol), but to exercise more. Crunches and push-ups to tone my stomach and my upper arms. Walking. Something to whittle down my waist …
I'll write back if I decide to do so 😉