Can I finally start IVF ?This is the question I answer in today’s baby making update.
Other than Chasing Joy I have not worked towards anything more consistently than I have worked towards becoming a single mother by choice. I started this journey over two years ago. I have tried to get pregnant 9 times and had 10 IUIs. I have had countless doctor’s appointments discovering I had a mild thyroid problem and am borderline for pre-diabetes. I have taking supplements that I had never even heard of 2 years ago (DHEA, Ubiquinol). I have spent more money than I care to even add up at this point and gotten financing from my bank. I have done all of this to fulfill my dream of being a mom. My joyful life includes motherhood and I have not given up on it.
The next step, and the step that has been the hardest to get to, is IVF. I had to lose weight to qualify, about 25lbs, and I did that. I qualified and paid for the shared risk program that will allow me to try IVF 6 times or get my money back. I just need my body to cooperate. I was all set to get started back at Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, I developed a cyst and could not get started. They advised me to go on birth control to get rid of my cyst and told me I could do the IVF this year, 2017. Well it is 2017! I took birth control and did Estrogen Priming again. Finally it was time for me to head back to the doctor to see if I could finally start IVF. Here is what happened.
Have any of you gone through IVF? What was your experience like? Did it take you a long time to be able to get started?
I would have liked to try more IVF…Never did IUI… Doctor convinced me that my eggs were probably getting too “old”…..Made me angry then and a little bit now. Think it’s a way for them to make more money in this fertility business. They profit from our heartbreak. They get paid even if it’s not successful. Wish I had heard of a shared risk program. But there is an adoption tax credit. You can put medical bills on your taxes. Like I said.. Bittersweet….My thoughts and prayers are with you constantly. I wish I could be there supporting you day by day sis. I just feel things will work out for you. Hope to meet you when we have our babies in our arms.
This brings up bittersweet memories. S m c not by choice but now my journey. Did 2 cycles of IVF in 2014…. I just dug out my box of “goodies”….Leftover progesterone, estradiol, etc…..I remember all the doctor visits…Injections….ultrasounds…….hospital gowns….Ate fertility foods.. Pineapple..avocado…Learned a lot about the female body.
In 2015 I began the adoption process…Cause I wanted to have money leftover to put into adoption …..Had to personally readjust…Did I want to give birth or did I want to be a mom?? So I let the birthing part go….In my thought process.
It’s 2017 and I’m still waiting to be selected by a birth mother…. But went through various home studies where they examine and pick your life apart.
Felt violated poked and prodded with IVF and with adoption process. Don’t forget the rivers of tears. But they say if you want to be a mother so strongly you will be one. It’s all in God’s timing. Everything is lining up. Pray for me and I’ll pray for you.