Did you know today is a holiday??? I’m not sure if Hallmark sells greeting cards for it. But that does not mean it isn’t important. Today is Earth Day!!!
Earth Day is a day where we acknowledge that our planet is not as healthy as it used to be. So many of our modern conveniences have side effects that are harmful to Mother Earth. The quality of our air and water just isn’t what it should be or even what it used to be. We also have way to much trash going into landfills. We even have entire islands floating in the ocean that are made up entirely of trash. I even heard that Polar Bears are dying because the glaziers that they rest on are melting. There is nothing Joyful about any of that.
I’ll tell you what is Joyful, what makes me happy. Here are a few hints. If you are 3 or older you use it. It is only used once and then discarded It comes in multiple colors but white is likely the most popular. It is not important at all until you don’t have it. Have you figured it out yet?
The answer is… Toilet Paper! I know what your thinking why in the world would toilet paper give me Joy. It find joy in toilet paper because many months ago maybe even a year ago I switched to Scott Naturals Tube Free Toilet Paper. Now I grew up using Scott, that’s all my dad ever bought, and was always disappointing when trying other brands. But I only really started enjoying my toilet paper when I made the switch to Scott Naturals. LOL 🙂 The reason why, is because Scott Naturals toilet paper is tube free. There is no tube to throw away at the end of the roll. It is also made from 40% recycled fibers. So every time I use it I feel like I am doing my part in helping out the planet.
Now I’m sure there is more I could do. But I think every little bit helps. So my challenge to you is to find one thing you can do differently that is beneficial to our planet so that you too can experience the Joy of knowing you are doing your part.
Tell me, what can you do differently?
I stopped putting my items in store bags when I go to neighborhood stores. I bring my own bags. This is a way I can do my part to help. I got this idea from my twins who learned it in kindergarten.
We love Earth Day. The kids and I always discuss ways to reduce waste. This year they were big on not wasting water so we created signs to place near all the sinks about turning off the water.