I know I am late with the Feel Good Friday Post. But I made it before friday was over.
I saw this on a really great and interesting blog Mommy to the Monsters and figured I’d do it too. 🙂 It is a nice light post for Feel Good Friday.
I hope some of you will do this too and post your 100 things about you on your blog, or facebook. If you do leave your link in the comments.
1. I am named after my aunt.
2. I was the yongest on both sides of my family for a long time.
3. I graduated from Temple University
4. College was some of the best times of my life
5. My dad also graduated from TU
6. I believed he brain washed me to go there
7. I think we are all brain washed by our parents
8. I have tried to write at least 4 books and lost interest in my own ideas
9. I think blogging is the right format for me.
10. When I pulblish a blog post I am filled with both excitement and a little fear
11. Writing this blog has changed my life for the better.
12. Writing this blog has led me too some knew friendships
13. It has also created some distance between myself and some friends (surprislingly)
14. My life today is trumatically different than it was a year ago today
15. It has almost been a year since my dad passed away
16. I am not over it
17. The pain is not any less
18. I think you just learn to live with it
19. I look for the Joy I know he wanted for me
20. I do not belive that there is something positive in every situation
21. Some things just suck and you have to decide not to focus on them
22. There is something positive in most things however
23. I make an effort to be optimistic
24. I believe positivity is contageous,
25. as is negativity (see Beware the Joy Thief)
26. I watch General Hospital fathfully
27. as well as the Real Housewives (all but OC)
28. I love to read
29. I do not remember learning to read, seems like I’ve always known how
30. I like to cook
31. I want to move partly so I can have a bigger kitchen
32. I love my pets; Peanut, Hurt, and Pinto. They make me smile daily
33. My dog is the greates benefit of my last relationship
34. I would like to have another relationship eventually
35. But I would like to just date for a bit first
36. I have a strong maternal instinct and hope to have kids some day
37. I think I can be really good at my job, with the right support system
38. I am frustrated at work because I’ve not found that support system
39. I am actively working on developing new friendships
40. I have discovered I have a talent for helping people pursue there goals
41. I really enjoy helping people
42. I am not shy
43. Or quite
44. I am observant and cautious around new people
45. I hate, hate, hate flying
46. But I will do it
47. I am seriously considering getting some sort of anti anxiety medicine just to help me fly
48. I am trying to lose weight
49. But need to find a way that does not involve me giving up cake 🙂
50. or obsessing about food
51. I really miss my brother
52. And his kids
53. I love being an Aunt
54. I miss my dad every day
55. I am in the process of changing a lot of things for the better
56. I am afraid of how life will be when I make these changes
57. I am afraid of how life will be if I dont make these changes
58. I love to laugh
59. It really is the best medicine
60. I love the God Father, Goodfellas, and everything Mafia related
61. I am a great person
62. I bet you are too 🙂
63. I am amazed evertime someone comments on my blog post or tells me they read it
64. I often wish I could do things differently
65. But I really don’t know what I would change
66. I do believe everthing happens for a reason
67. Emotionally I am in a much better place than I was a year ago
68. I try very very hard to keep my word
69. I hate lyeing.
70. I am saving money to start a scholarship in my dad’s name
71. I absolutly hate exercising
72. I do it anyway
73. I pray a lot.
74. Even for people I don’t like
75. I do not like going to church
76. I hope that changes
77. I do go every now and then
78. Luckily my Faith is not impacted by my not liking church
80. I think everkyone should have a personal relationship with God
81. I think everyone should Pray
82. I have been thinking a lot about meditation
83. I have been to lazy to make time to try it
84. My house is a mess
85. My future husband will not marry me for my housekeeping skills
86. Luckily I have other skills
87. I am getting a little better at keeping house though
88. It took me two times to pass the writen part of my drivers test
89. It took me three times to pass the driving part of the test
90. That is so embarassing for me
91. I pride myself on being very smart
92. I am nice but I am not an idiot (I don’t know why people confuse the two)
93. I am often not as happy as I seem
94. But I am trying to get there
95. I hate being taken for granted
96. I used to have an idea of how my adult life would be
97. It is nothing like I thought
98. I love a lot of things about my adult life
99. I do take some of those things for granted
100. I think a happy life is one where gratitude, optimisim, acceptance, are all in balance.
So tell me 100 things about you. Share your link and post 2 or 3 things about you as a comment.
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That's not easy coming up with 100 – love your list and can relate to some of them. (12, 13 15, 97 to name a few) Sorry about your dad – that must be hard.
You have inspired me. I am going to have to do a list for myself. Not sure when I will get to it but I will let you know when it is up.
There were quite a few things on your list that I could relate with, quite a few that made me smile and a few that made me sad (but glad you loved your dad so much that you miss him being gone). I know you probably think that an odd thing to say but not all of us had such a great dad. It is always nice to hear about someone that did.
Wow! I do not think I could come up with 100…maybe Asha and I will do this together sometime on our blog 🙂 Thanks for the great idea – I loved reading your list!
@Chemicallyinclined. I hope I can be so lucky as to marry a man who enjoys housework 🙂
#31 Is def a reason why I want to move.
#84 & #85, My house is crazy messy too, just do what I did and marry a guy that doesn't mind keeping up on the house 🙂
Just had a chance to read this post and so glad that i did this morning. I also had a chance to watch a friend's short video of her son walking for the first time – so i would say i am having a good morning so far 🙂
i like the idea of 100 things – and i will work on my own to share in the future but here are a couple: i like to write too – and i wish i did it more. you know i love to read and i do admit to being a tv junkie – DVRing shows and watching them later so i can skip thru the commercials. i like the outdoors but hate bugs. i love to swim but feel uncomfortable in a bathing suit. i never understood the way people feel about their pets until i got my own. i really like my co-workers and have made some lasting friendships and i guess i don't hate my job either, but i don't love it.
Hope those facts about me are enough for now! I'm glad i had a chance to check out the blog this morning 🙂 ~bam~
Hi Mommy to the Monsters. Thanks for checking out my blog. I enjoy yours a lot.
Before I post I am afraid that something I wrote may possibley offend or upset someone. Then I say oh well and hit publish anyway 🙂
I really enjoyed reading your 100 things about you. I love GoodFellas too and had some of the best times of my life in college…
I also have both fear and excitement when I post a blog. Sometimes I go back and edit it because I feel I am sharing too much…
I understand how you feel about church.. I actually like to go, but I can't stand all the theatrics….
I so feel you about your house being a mess…I am SOOOOOOOO junky..I'm working on it …lol
I failed drivers ed so don't feel bad about not passing your drivers test..I didn't get my real license until I was 19….I just drove without one…LOL