Today I am feeling good becaue my prayers have been answered. Last month in my post
The Joy of Hurt I told you about what a wonderful doggie he is and how his Vet thought he may have cancer. Unfortunatley, the Vet was right. This last month has been filled with tests, labs, bloodwork, emergency visitis, follow up appontiments and lots and lots of Money$$$$ But yesterday Hurt had surgery to remove the cancerous lump.
Why so much talk, worry, and money about a dog? While many of you already understand I know that is exactly what some of you are wondering. I have always had pets, actually cats. Hurt is my first dog. Animals have their own personalities. They become members of your family. They do things that make you laugh and smile. They offer comfort and company. They are dependent upon you which fits perfectly with people’s natural desire to feel needed and useful. Pets are loyal, consistent, and are basically living, breathing, usually furry vessels of Joy.
Hurt is all these things and more. He also filled a void. I got Hurt right after my dad was diagnosed with Cancer. His owner could not take care of him any longer and he’d be able to keep my dad company. So Hurt joined our family that also included two cats Peanut and Pinto. Unfortunately my dad passed away within months of his diagnosis. While It would be impossible for anyone, let alone a dog, to fill the void left by my dad, for a little dog Hurt has done a pretty good job. He has been a new source of love and affection for me. He has greeted me every time I come home with so much excitement, jumping, panting, and licking whether I’ve been gone one hour or one week; distracting me from the fact that my dad is not there to greet me. His silly dog antics have given me and my mom really good laughs during a pretty rough period. Oh an added bonus his walks have definitely helped me lose a couple pounds. Hurt has been a true source of Joy.
So although right now Hurt is sore, a little high (or maybe a lot, who knows) from his pain medicine, and has a really awful scar, I am feeling really good that his tumor has been removed. He is cancer free, on the road to recovery, and continuing to bring me the kind of Joy that only a pet can.
How do your pets bring you Joy???
Hoping that Hurt is well and continues to give you Joy 🙂
Supporting you in getting your fitness and nutrition back on track
I hope all things are well with Hurt.
I really hope Hurt continues to heal beautifully, Arlett. I know how it feels to have a pet go through a cancer scare and surgery.
I've always been a pet lover. My current pet, Casbah (everyone calls her Cassie) is an Abyssinian cat with lots of personality and a diva attitude. She cracks me up all the time and demands a lot of attention. She's not normally a lap cat, but she is very affectionate and a joy to come home to after a long day at work. Plus, she often is my alarm clock, getting up in my grill way too early for my tastes so that I can get up and feed her!
Long live our pets!