R is the next letter in the SMART Goals goal setting process. I started this process a few weeks ago after learning about the Law of Attraction at the Chasing Joy Brunch & Learn I decided to put it into practice. Part of the Law of Attraction process is goal setting. I have been using the SMART Goals goal setting process to increase the likelihood of accomplishing my goals. Accomplishing a goal can be a great source of Joy.
I set 4 goals and made sure they are Specific, Measurable, and Actionable. Now it’s time to make sure they are realistic. Here are the goals an action plan:
- Lose 80 lbs and wear a size 14 regular by eating 3 servings of vegetables and 1of fruit on work days and 2 vegetables and 1 fruit on non work days, work my way up to 1 gallon of water per day, limiting carbs, working out 3 days a week and being in bed before midnight on work nights and getting 8 hours of sleep a night on non-work nights.
- Go from single to in a happy committed relationship by being active at least once a week on free dating sites, listing the qualities that are important to me in a partner, being more honest about my expectations when dating and making sure all of my friends and family know that I am open to blind dates.
- Have more fun.by Having at least 1 fun activity planned for the weekend by Wednesday of every week and creating a go to list of fun activities that I can do with or without friends.
- Writing the 1st draft of my Chasing Joy book by writing for at least 10 minuets every day.
Most of my goals are very realistic. I am only concerned about one of them possibly being unrealistic. Can you guess which one? Losing weight, having more fun, and writing my book are all goals that are largely if not completely up to me and within my control. Going from single to in a relationship on the other hand is not only up to me. With this goal another person has to be involved. No matter how much I want to be in a relationship and feel I am ready for that type of commitment it does not mean that the object of my affection (don’t currently have one) will feel the same way. Further more it does not mean that I meet someone who will invoke those lovey dovey feelings within me.
However, another point of view is that I am a really awesome person with a lot of love to offer and are a lot of awesome men out there who are looking for someone like me. There is no reason that I could not meet one of said men, have a lovely courtship, fall hopelessly in love and become lifetime joy chasing partners.
While getting a man is not what I would consider a normal goal when it comes to goal setting, it is something that I want for myself. When I think of all of the Joy there is to be experienced by having a loving and committed relationship I know it is just as important to my overall happiness as losing weigh, writing my book and having fun. The realism of this goal may be questionable, but one important thing to be mindful of when using the Law of Attraction is to think BIG and not limit yourself. So, going from single to in a relationship is staying on the list.
I would love to hear your thoughts. Do you think changing your relationship status should be a goal? Is it realistic? Have you ever had a similar goal, one that was not entirely within your control?
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I think anything you want to do should be set up as a SMART goal. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail so go for it. You are such a sweet, kind and caring person. There are men out there who want that kind of woman in their lives. I hope you find what you are looking for!
I love your idea of writing just 10 minutes per day. That goal is totally obtainable.
Why does the box above this say, "Your comment was published"? I was not finished! Sorry if there's a duplicate comment somewhere.
Anyway, recently I've been struggling with doing all my goals: It feels like there is so much I want to do every day, but that getting all of it done every day is just hard!
Anyway, I had better get to some goals now. I have exercise and piano and cleaning and journaling and scripture reading to do, as well as making a new recipe.