I have an awesome dog. His name is Hurt (I did not name him). He is a really good boy. He does not rouine my shoes or have accidents on my carpet. He is always happy to see me and give the best doggie Hugs. In other words he brings me much Joy.
Today he had a check up and the Vet things he may have Cancer 🙁 Test will be back in a few days. I am asking all of you to Pray, not just have positive thoughts, but actually pray for him. Please pray that his test come back negative and that I have Hurt continuing to bring me lots and lots of Joy for years to come.
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Glad to know that your prayers were answered and Hurt is still with you bringing you Joy 🙂
Fitnessbuster supporting you in improving your fitness and nutrition.
Thanks Gillian. Yes, Hurt, as well as my two cats do bring me lots of Joy, in between cleaning up after them.