I am not Catholic but over the last 10 plus years I have come to have many Catholic friends. They have told me a few things about their Catholic experience. Many things I knew nothing about like CCD classes, Saints, and the fact that Nuns are not always nice 🙂 Although I am a Christian, other than the main principles of believing in the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), a lot of other aspects of the faith do not quite mesh with my own beliefs.
But there is one aspect that meshes quite well with my spirituality. Lent! Now I don’t really know a lot about Lent but what I do know I like. To the best of my understanding Lent is practiced by giving up something as a sacrifice for the 40 days before Easter as a demonstration of faith and in remembrance of the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the desert, where he endured Satan’s temptation, before the beginning of his public ministry. I LIKE IT!!!
So which Non-Catholic Joy Chaser with two thumbs is practicing Lent this year? This one!! LOL Now I know there is a bit more to it than giving up something. There are some dietary guidelines (not eating meat on certain days) and probably some other spiritual things that I know nothing about, but I don’t think God will mind if I don’t do it just right. So for my spin on Lent I will be giving up, sacrificing a little free time and spending at least 20 minutes every day cleaning.
Now I know that is not really a big deal. But I hate cleaning. I am not good at it. I usually have to force myself to do it and it always takes too long. So a little each day will be a challenge and will also make my home a little more homey 🙂
For me a Joy has everything to do with God. Belief in that higher power is what gives me the hope and optimism required to keep Chasing Joy on those most difficult days. And what truly helps me reach out and grab onto a little Joy is knowing that while religion can unite us with like minded people, allow us to experience group worship, and give us some guidelines on how to live life it does not dictate our own relationship with God. So for the next 40 days this non-Catholic girl will be experiencing the Joy of Lent.
Tell me Joy Chasers, have you ever taken part in another religion’s practice because you liked it? Oh, and if you are practicing Lent, what are you giving up?
I was born into Catholicism via my families Creole background but went a stray to the Church of God in Christ until my youngest decided he wanted to be Catholic. I returned reluctantly only to find a new sense of serenity and peace. I still have problems with some of the doctrines – but, as with anything, I take what I can as a positive. For the last 5 years I've worn my "ashes" on Ash Wednesday remembering what my Savior gave for my salvation. This year I am cleansing for lent. Purifying my mind, body and soul in the hopes of being a better mom, friend and person as a whole! Great post!
As a Catholic, I am giving up eating between meals. For me, Lent is a strengthening of virtue… in the "giving up" part or doing something you don't normally (house cleaning 😉 .. the virtue you grow in is Self-Control. Thats how I see it anyway.
As a Catholic Lent is a time to give up something that you feel is keeping you from being closer to God. Or commiting yourself to something that will make you a better person. So I wish you the best with your cleaning Goal. As for me I've given up alcohol and sex for 40 day….my 40 days of purity I call it-lol.
I like the idea of just committing to 20 minutes a day. It's not too much and you can get a lot done in 20 minutes. I think for me I'm giving up fast food.
I can see this as the sacredness of housecleaning; making your cleaning time a heart centered practice and connecting with God at the same time. I like it. Maybe at the end of the 40 days you will have a different feeling about cleaning house and be able to see the sacred in it from now on. Maybe.
When I went to college, it was a requirement to take at least 3 different religions. Taking what I learned and learning from friends of different religions, I found that there are many things that overlap 🙂
For Lent, this Catholic girl is giving up shopping. I asked my niece last night which she thought was better, for me to give up shopping or TV. She turns her head to the side, puts her hair on my shoulder and says Titi its shopping. My niece knows me so well. I love shopping and could easily give up watching tv. Good Luck with cleaning, maybe it'll inspire me not to hate it so!