The more people embrace social media the more negatives we hear about it. Things like cyber bullying, FB causing or increasing depression, and new sites popping up to shame mistresses are all negative social media uses that I have heard about recently. Being a blogger I really enjoy social media and find a lot of positives in in. One of the most positive uses of Social Media is to record life events. Some are signifiicant and some are more mundane but all (or as much as you enjoy sharing) is all right there in your profile.
- I hosted my first Chasing Joy Brunch & Learn.
- I did my boudior photos.
- I went to the Coke A Cola Museum
- I took my niece shoping
- I got my mom a tablet for Christmas
- I attended the Red Ball
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Post by Chasing Joy. - I started the #100DaysofFitnessChallenge and made it past the midway point
- I hosted the Joy of Giving Charity Event where you Joy Chasers helped me collect over 250 items for the Astrazeneca Hope Lodge of Philadeplhia which provides free housing for people in treatment for cancer.
- I went to see planes with my nephew.
- I attended the Inspiration and Music Conference with my brother
- I lost weight doing a diet bet
- I attended Blogalicious 5
- I went on my first train ride
- I developed partnerships with other bloggers who believe in Chasing Joy
- My Sister-in-Law treated me to a pedicure.
- I got new 800 thread count sheets!!!
- Friends and I went out for Philadelphia Restaurant week multiple times
- I was able to wear clothes that had been too small on a couple different occasions.
- I had a great co-hosting experience with @Curvy_Ceo at my 1st out of town Chasing Joy Brunch & Learn.
- For the first time every my cat Peanut let me dress him for Halloween
Batman And Robbin are on the scene, Wishing everyone Happy #Halloween!!!
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) October 31, 2013.
- I was selected as a social media ambassador for Power Up weekend in DC, where I got to meet a couple of my blogger friends in person for the first time.
- On a random night outside of Target I saw the Oscar Mayer Wiener Mobile. I’d never see it before.
- I was mentioned in my College’s Alumni Newsletter. Go TU!!!
I’m so excited. I was mentioned in the @TempleUniv Alumni Magazine for my blog!!! #OwlForLife
— Chasing Joy (Arlett) (@Chasing_Joy) July 24, 2013 - I received a gift for Valentine’s Day.
- I won an IPad Mini at a SITS Girls event in Philly!
- My mom and I went to see Blue Man Group, Wicked, and The Nutcracker.
- I attended a friend’s wedding.
- Myself, Erica of Your Chic is Showing and Jeanene of Jeanene’s world mad the front page of the local paper after the August #CJBL
- I had a beach day at the Jersey Shore
- I hosted my mom and cousin for Thanksgiving Dinner
- I had front row press seating at the Curvy Closets Fashion Show
- I won a necklace that says I Will Find Joy In The Journey.
- Several times throughout the year I have received cards, gifts, text messages, and random messages online from you guys with images of Joy or things to share online related to Chasing Joy
Happy Birthday! I'd say you had a fantastic year! Wishing you another successful year blogging and an even better 34 🙂
Happy Birthday! What a way to celebrate a year of accomplishments!
I'm so excited for you that you made the local paper! That's awesome!! As are the other 32 things 🙂
Happy early birthday! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! this idea of looking at my social media whenever I feel blue! It should be required reading 🙂
Happy Birthday in advance and congratulations for accomplishing so much in one year. You are truly one of my inspirations!