I studied economics in college and enjoyed learning about peoples spending habits and the influence of those habits. I consider myself to be a conscious spender. I like to feel good about my purchases and what I’m supporting with my money. For this reason I am super excited about today’s post.
As a blogger from time to time I get a chance to write about brands that I have a fondness for. Today I get to write about Motions and Walgreens. Motions hair care will always be special to me because they truly do give back to the community. They have been past sponsors of two Chasing Joy Charity events supporting women transitioning from welfare to work and supporting the Astrazeneca Hope Lodge, where free housing is provided for cancer patients in the Philadelphia area. I like supporting companies who support the community.
Similar to Motions Walgreens also holds a special place in my heart, but for totally different reasons that have to do with my dad. My dad was not a shopper. My mom purchased most of his clothes. He did buy our family’s groceries but that was because he wanted to spend as little money as possible and get in and out of the supermarket as quick as possible. I mean he’d actually time himself to see if he could do it faster and faster. If you knew him you’d understand his nature to compete with the clock. My dad did not visit many stores. However this man, my dad, went to Walgreens almost every day. It’s crazy how often he’d go there. It even became something we joked about within our family. Now that my dad has passed his fondness for Walgreens is something that brings a smile to my face.
For these reasons I am excited about today’s post and happy to tell you that Walgreens and Motions have a special deal going on Motions products. Right now, as in today, Walgreens is selling Motions kits for 25% off and select Motions products are on sale for only $3.49! The cool thing is Motions has products for every hair type and texture, including natural styles. My favorite motions product is the hold and shine spray. It keeps my hair in place and shiny especially when it’s almost time for my touch up (I’m not team Natural, but I am a fan :-).
If you have never tried Motions products before don’t worry. Check out these how to videos featuring Motions Style Expert Ursula’s favorite looks. Even if you already use Motion’s products check out the videos anyway to help you figure out the styles and Motions product that will make you feel the most beautiful and joyful. Motions and Ursula will can help you achieve your unique style.
If you are like me and like to feel good about where you spend your money, love saving money on beauty products, and want strong and beautiful hair head over to Walgreens today and pick up some Motions products. Get there quick as the sale is for the month of September.
Do you use Motions products? Which one is your favorite? What do you think of Ursula’s Styles? I love the Blunt Bangs.
This is a sponsored post for Motions through The bLink Marketing Network and Lunchbox, all opinions are 100% my own. Comments submitted may be displayed on other websites owned by the sponsoring brand.
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I like Walgreens. In Florida there was another drugstore, but I can't remember the name of it, they were always across the street from each other, lol. I guess Walgreens won that battle because they're still there and the other place is not. 😉
They sound like great products this is my first time hearing about them. I love all 3 of the hair designs.
these look great. I just got a relaxer and boy was it expensive. I need good products to keep my budget in check
Motions sounds like great hair products. I love that I can get everything I Need at Walgreens!