I know we’ve all heard this before and have probably even said it a time or two. Usually this is said in the context of morality specifically when and with whom it is appropriate to be intimate with. But fear not, that’s not what this post is about. I’m talking about how you treat your body every day.
People have designed beautiful Temples, done the hard work to maintain them and filed them with beauty. We’ve often brought our very best selves through the temple doors. Is this how we’ve treated our bodies? Have we given our very best selves to ourselves? Do we fill our bodies with the best stuff on earth (no, I do not mean Snapple) and put in the time to keep our bodies in the best condition possible. Or do we fill our bodies with all kinds of junk and do only what is minimally necessary to keep it standing???
Unfortunately I cannot say I’ve treated my body like a temple. I’ve not given my very best self to myself. However, I can say I’ve put in more than just minimal maintenance. I fall somewhere in the middle trying to follow a healthy diet but getting distracted by junk, scheduling regular workouts but having some lazy days. I consider myself a work in progress. I’m under construction but the blueprints detail Temple specifications. And just what are the details of these blueprints? The basics – regular exercise, fruit, veggies, whole grains, low fat protein, water, sleep, and support/ inspiration (Shouts out to PNP).
So what does this have to do with my chasing joy? If I’m tired, out of shape, and malnourished I’ll never be able to grasp joy. I will not being able to do things If my body is rundown. I’ll be intimidated to try new things because I’ll know I’m not at my best (see Ready For My Tutu). Also, let’s review, part of the definition of joy is the prospect of possessing what one desires. Several of the things I desire are directly related to me being good to myself and treating my body as my temple. Do I really want to take a boudoir picture of a body that I’ve only done minimal maintenance on? I don’t think so. Following my temple blueprint will also give me a foundation toward possessing several of my other desires, wearing a single digit dress size, doing men’s push-ups, and being able to jog 3 miles nonstop.
My temple needs a bit of attention as well.
Mari, i support you in your search and will do what I can to help you find your blueprints.
I feel you on this. This year I am looking for my blueprint, its around here somewhere.
But I can not and will not stop looking for it.
Mari 🙂