My body is my temple. My morbidly obese temple that is 🙁 At least that’s what my doctor’s file says. I recently went to get a check up to make sure that I did not have cancer. Now, I knew most likely I did not have cancer and that what I was experiencing was just heart burn. However never having had heart burn and having had my dad pass away from complications to treatment of esophagile cancer, my hypocondriatic inner voice had me a little, ok a lot, nervous.
The doctor confirmed that I was just having heart burn, which was good. But then proceeded to lecture me for the remainder of the visit on how I needed to lose weight. He blessed me with the oh so wonderful label of morbidly obese (do you hear my sarcasim?) and even threw out the possiblities of my needing to have weightloss surgery in the future if I cannot lose the weight. So that check up did leave me rather bummed.
The good thing is I already knew I needed to lose some weight and have already taken some steps to start treating my body like the temple that it really is. As a matter of fact only 3 days before my check up I had met with a hypnotist to find out if hypnosis could be a technique to help with my weight loss efforts. Here is the video I made after my meeting with her.
Now, as I mentioned in the video the hypnosis won’t work by it self and behavior modification is necessary. So I will be referring to my list of steps to Rennovate my Temple along with getting more exercise in the form of taking short walks during work and walking my dog more often.
Have you or would you ever try hypnosis for weigtloss, to stop smoking, or for help with some other issue? If you have what was your experience like?
I'm so sorry everyone. I realize the video is losing audio in the middle. I have put in a trouble ticket to you tube and hope to have it fixed soon.
Never considered hypnosis, but coming from a family in which 3 members had weight loss surgery, I know losing weight can be extremely difficult and frustrating, particularly since you are trying hard. One thing that helps me is to keep a food journal, write down anything that you eat, when you eat it, and why you ate it. That way you can see if your meals are balanced, and what reasons ur eating, ie, blood sugar crash, boredom, depression, sleepiness.
I am glad you don't have cancer! I have never used hypnosis but remember the key to being fit is 80% diet 20% exercise. So try and workout at least 30 minutes a day. Take a walk do zumba or some fun physical activity. Then gradual start changing your diet. It is all mental so when you crave something sweet don't deprive yourself but choose a healthy alternative ( i.e yogurt with a few choc chips, jello with light whipped cream, banana with peanut butter). Good Luck!
I tried hypnosis to quit smoking. I'm still smoking but I did quit for more than 6 months twice already. The hypnosis itself didn't help but I realized with any big change you have to be ready. Really ready. Not just because you should do it but because you want to do it. I'm in the process of trying to loose my baby weight and I just started working out and eating right a week ago. My daughter is almost a year old. But this was when I was ready.
Like the previous commenter said you work out a lot and are very active so it's not like you're not doing anything about it. For some people it's portions, for other's it's binge eating, for some it's not working out…etc. Find your issue and work on it…. when you're ready.
Hey, I think ur doctor could have come off nicer to you and instead it sounded mean and condescending. You already work out more than most people I know, so you are strong! I forget if u said u tried weight watchers before? I think they are helpful with portion sizes….b/c that is my main problem…I forget how much I am eating. But anyway, I believe you can do this and I KNOW that you believe in yourself! Good luck and keep the faith! Luv ya, bambam
I agree! I think some doctors lose essential bedside manner and don't speak to their patients as nicely or as cordially as they should. Continue to work on you and be encouraged!! Cheering you on!
It is very important to have patience & courage during this time. All The Best to you. God help you & provide strength. It is really an challenge but you are strong & you will come up from this matter.
Thanks for your kind words 🙂
I personally may never do hypnosis for anything but I have a friend who swears by it on his no-smoking kick. I don't like that when he has not done it, he uses it as an excuse to light up a fag though. Good luck. I recommend a great support group of friends and sisters to help you along. It is tough to lose weight. I am trying hell hard now….tough times. lol.
Hi Trinista. Yeah, that's no good that he uses missed appointments as an excuse to light up.