Search Results for: Hurt
What’s Your Pleasure???
So this week tell me, what’s your pleasure??? You know, what are those things you love to indulge in when no one is around, no one can see you, and no one can judge you? Don’t worry your secrets are safe with me 🙂 Keep in mind these are also the things you can do to improve the quality of your alone time, and we learned in I Am Worth The Cheese Dip how important it is to make alone time special.
So here are a few of my Guilty Pleasures:
• I love watching Real Housewives on Bravo. New York is my favorite but I also like NJ and Atlanta. I have never gotten into Orange County though.
• Of course now I am also watching Bethany’s Getting Married the Real Housewives of New York spin off.
• I love to lick the bowl, beaters, and spoon whenever I do any baking.
• I love eating cake or pie right out of the cake or pie plate
• I like Gray Goose with just about anything
• When I am feeling particularly stressed I scream in my car while driving. No one can hear me and It does make me feel better.
• I don’t know if prayer could be considered a Guilty Pleasure but I do it all the time: God please let me get a parking spot, God please don’t let anyone at work ask me anything that I don’t know how to do, God forgive me for gossiping, etc, etc, etc… I sometimes wonder if God is tired of hearing my voice. LOL
• I Love to sleep in on the weekends especially in freshly washed 600 thread count sheets
• I Love Gertrude Hawke Chocolates
• I Love Cold Stone Creamery
• I Love Showers. I have been know to use all of the hot water.
• Any type of Mafia movie or TV show fiction or non-fiction.
• Colombo – this is all I’ve been getting off of Netflix for the last few months. Embarrassing but I love it.
Take some time today and this weekend to induldge in your guilty pleasure and take note of the Joy they bring. If you’re brave enough comment and tell us what your guilty pleasures are.
Feel Good Friday – What Makes You Feel Good
It’s Feel Good Friday Yall!!!
Here is a random list of things that make me feel good.
- Giving my cat Peanut rubs
- Getting doggie hugs from Hurt when I come home from work
- The song Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong
- Cake
- Shopping (as long as I dont think about the money)
- Zumba
- laughing – for any reason
- Having someone else do my hair
- Spa treatments
- The song Favorite Things from the Sound of Music
- Just washed 400 thread count or higher sheets
- Those first few minutes when you leave work on a Friday
- My teddy bear Tony (yes I still have him)
- Staying at fancy hotels
- A Bottle of Pepsi when I’m feeling thirsty
- Babies
- Playing with toys
- Thunder Cats Cartoon
- Cooking
- Giving Gifts
- Long showers
- Sleeping in
- Reading for Pleasure, not for work or school
- Pictures
- Jokes (not pranks)
- Being Helpful
- Praying
- A Good Cocktail, or two 🙂
- Raspberry Blue Hugs (little blue juice drinks for those of you not from Philly)
- Mafia related books and movies (Godfather, Sopranos, Goodfellas, etc…)
- The smell of fresh cut grass
- White clouds
- Sunsets
- The smell of rain in the summer
- Freshly waxed eyebrows
- Flowers
- Awarding a Contract
- Imitating my Dad
- Making people smile
- And of course Chasing Joy 🙂
So Please tell me, what makes you feel good???
Is 30 the new 20????
I certainly hope not. While I loved my 20’s I certainly don’t want to go back.
My 20s were finishing college and worrying about a getting a real job, taking a position and spending 2 and a half years hating it but too inexperienced to know it. I never sleep on a Sunday night because I was too anxious about going to work the next day. I thought this was normal and that everyone felt this way about their job.
My 20s was dating guys with no job or ambition, even dating a guy who actually got locked up on our date because they were cute and or funny; then dating assholes that did not care about me because they did have jobs and ambition, followed by dating men I was not even attracted too because they were upstanding member of society. All of which while fun at times was a complete waste of time.
My 20s were losing over 50lbs on weightwatchers only to gain it plus some back because I had not dealt with the real reasons I over used food.
My 20s were feeling like a teenager while making grown up decisions and living up to grown up expectations.
However, My 20s were also very good to me.
My 20s were getting my degree (Go TU. I’m an Owl for life)
My 20’s were building some great friendships and learning how to make an effort to maintain others.
My 20s were learning how to save for a goal and buying my own car and financing my 1st adult vacation.
My 20s were learning the Joy’s and sorrows of home ownership.
My 20s was choosing a career not just a job. (I admit it Government Contracting is it for me)
My 20’s was experiencing heartbreaks, disappointments, and the painful loss of a parent and realizing I am strong enough to go on even while it hurts and find my Joy.
If I can do all this in the 10 years from 20 to 29 imagine what I can learn and accomplish in my 30s and the Joy that I may find there.
Devil’s workshop going out of Business…. Everything Inspired by Negativity Must go!!!
After giving some thought about what I desire out of my everyday life, right now, present tense I realize it’s not so much what I want as what I don’t want. Everything Inspired by Negativity Must go!  I don’t want so much idle time. Having more quality time with family friends and myself is what would make my tomorrow a better day.
I am fortunate enough to have a job that provides an awesome work life balance. I get off at a reasonable time. I don’t work weekends or holidays. Also, the only persons I have to tend to are my pets, two cats and a dog (ok I know they are not people but they definitely have lots of personality just look at there pictures).
So this gives me lots and lots of free time that I am really thankful for. The problem is free time quickly turns to idle time when you do not have quality activities to keep you occupied. If an idle mind is the devil’s workshop than I alone am solely responsible for the crafting of numerous and very very evil insecurity benches, loneliness tables, negativity chairs, resentment ladders, and other assorted pessimistic furnishings.
So I’ll narrow the distance between myself and joy by bringing some quality to my free time. I do spend quality time with friends and family but here I want to focus on what I have complete control of, spending more QUALITY time with myself. During this quality time I will explore the things I’ve always wanted to do but never had the time, opportunity, money, or courage to do. My list thus far is as follows:
Take Ballet
Go to a Hockey game
Visit Bermuda (I want to see the peach sand)
Bet on horses at the race track
Take a boudoir picture
Write a book
Go to Disney world
Go to the Oprah show
Dye my hair red
Be able to jog 3 miles non stop
Do men’s pushups.
Fit into a single digit size
I will also explore ideas I receive from others. So feel free to comment on what activities fill you with joy? What hobbies bring quality to your life? Suggestions I’ve received so far include:
Checking out new exercises
Planning events like dinners and movies with friends
A good laugh
Take a nice walk
Wash your favorite sheets, mix ½ block of Velveeta with 1 can of Rotel , turn on comedy central, sit in bed and laugh at off color jokes all day
Set a goal…and reach it
Dance in the mirror naked or with just underwear
Put on a fashion show for myself
Helping someone
I look forward to finding out how you spend quality time with yourself and find your joy.
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