A few days ago I discovered there was a week long twitter party going down this week. As a matter of fact this is not just any twitter party this is the Ultimate Blog Party 2012 (#UBP12) hosted by 5MinutesforMom.com with sponsor Kleenex Cottonelle. This is the 6th annual Ultimate Blog Party and I’m so happy to find out about it so that I can participate. The party includes loads of giveaways, live online events, and most importantly the chance to find new blogs, readers, and online friends. Check it out here: http://www.5minutesformom.com/51797/ultimate-blog-party-2012/ .
Now for any of you visiting me from the party here is a little about me and about Chasing Joy. Chasing Joy is a blog about me. I am a 32 year old woman working to overcome the most difficult time in my life by focusing on and going after Joy. I started writing the blog after a rough 2 years that included a horrible job, a bad breakup and most devastating of all losing my dad to cancer two months after diagnosis. This blog Chasing Joy is my way back to being happy and staying happy again after so much heartache; to not only finds my old self but to improve upon it.
I am very active on Facebook and Twitter connecting with others who have made Joy a priority. We do Make it Happen Mondays (#MakeitHappenMonday) where we set positive goals for the week; Way to go Wednesdays (#WaytogoWednesday) where we encourage ourselves and others by saying way to go for our accomplishments; Thankful Thursday (#ThankfulThursday) where we focus on gratitude and what we are thankful for; and Flashback Friday (#FlashbackFriday) where we revisit our oldie but goodie posts and share them via the linky. I am also a monthly contributor as a Girlfriend Guru on Girlfriendology.com.
Feel free to check out my About Me page, explore other posts, keep up with me on Facebook and Twitter, and visit often to Chase Joy with me.
Are you participating in the Ultimate Blog Party 2012 this week?
Thanks for the introduction. I know I've been reading your blog for awhile, and so it was nice to put together a few more details about what led you to chase joy.
Your post on FB about UBP is where I learned about the event. I enjoyed going through the linkies and finding interesting new blogs to read and follow. Thanks for sharing the info!
Hope your having fun during the UBP2012!
Hi Joy!
I love your picture.
Stopping by from the UBP to say hello.
Have a great weekend!
Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog. I just adore the energy from your blog! You're doing a great job here! I look forward to connecting with you via Facebook, Twitter, and all the other technical ways. 🙂
Have you been enjoying the party so far? This year has been a little better than last year for me.
Hiya! I always enjoy seeing your cheery self around the blogosphere. Thanks for explaining about the #UBP12. I kept seeing the hashtag today, but could not figure out what I was missing!
~Tui, from #commenthour
Hello from the #UBP12 and #commenthour! It's been fun getting to know so many bloggers over the week! I'll be back to take a closer look at your blog! Looking forward to getting to know you and your blog!
Hello there Joy! I know your name is not actually Joy but I like it. It suits you… You are a very strong woman, that's what I see. I can't imagine going through everything you've been through… Go for it Girl! 🙂
Hello! Here from the blog party! You seem like a positive person–and I need more of that! I will be following you on twitter! I also love twitter! -Yoli http://www.yolidreams.com
Hi there! nice to meet you! Popping in from UBP!
Hello Joy!
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I really appreciate that you are now following me too. After reading your About Me Page, I think we really may be kindred spirits and I am now following you too. I look forward to your future posts, especially where you are chasing and finding joy! 🙂
thanks for stopping by from UBP2012, I am your newest follower!! I love your blog name and the meaning behind it You GO girl!! sorry about your dad I just lost my best friend to cancer she fought it for two years I posted a post about her if you want to read come back its not to far down its only been a month I know cancer is a terrible thing and terrible thing to watch someone you love slip away from it…
Happy partying!!!!
Hi, I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm praying you find the joy and happiness you need.
I didn't know about the Ultimate Twitter Party until seeing your blog feed on my blog! I will definitely be joining in the party, thanks!!! 🙂