This week’s baby making upate is about pom (or pomegranate) juice and pineapple core fertility smoothie. In all of my research on getting pregnant using frozen donor sperm and fertility in general I cam across pom juice and pineapple core. Both are supposed to make the uterus more embryo friendly. Since IUI number 10 is my fertility hail mary I decided to pull out all the stops. I decided to use both. I drank the pom juice leading up to ovulation and had the pineapple core after ovulation. I made a pineapple fertility smoothie to make it easier to eat the core since that is the hard part inside the pineapple. Check out the video below to see how it went with the pom juice and to see how I make my pineapple core fertility smoothie.
Have you or would you try pom juice or pineapple core to help you get pregnant?