January is a time of reflection. A year has ended another has begun. Am I in the same place this year as I was last year? A better place? A worse Place? Do I need a goal? A New Year’s resolution? Should I go with a theme word? These are some of the things we have been thinking and blogging about.
It is really no different when it comes to trying to conceive. Last year this time I had just made the decision to become a Single Mother By Choice. Here I am a year later. So much has changed in the last year but also so much is the same. The video below is my reflections on one year trying to conceive with donor sperm to be a Single Mother By Choice.
How has your life changed or stayed the same over the last year? If you are on a trying to conceive journey how do things compare to a year ago?
I enjoy looking through a post that will make people think.
Also, thanks for allowing me to comment!
I really loved watching your video. It is so good to reflect on your life and the direction it is going.
My life has changed drastically over the last year. More so, in just the last 4 – 5 months. I'm going through a divorce, have had my step daughter ripped from my life after 8 years and lost my life-long best friend. I am a fighter, and I am fighting to survive. At 40 years of age, I'm looking to make some serious life changes in the year ahead.
So much can change in a years time. I love how you're documenting it. I am in a better place now as well. Good luck on your journey!
I can understand the journey being difficult. Hopefully you'll be able to look back soon and realize how much the journey was worth it
My life has changed a ton in the past year. I look forward to following you on your journey to becoming a Mom.
I went through 2 losses in 6 months, and now I am 13 weeks with a healthy little rainbow. Things can change so quickly, and things we go through and deal with can be crazy. It's amazing what a year can do. I know so many people who struggle for years, and it's tough. – Jeanine
Oh, 2015. There were so many incredible memories, but so much left to be desired. I'm grateful for the fresh start in 2016 & an opportunity to make some changes.
Its great that there is a lot of things happen in a year and by the way of it its also great that you overcome all of the things that happen and you remain positive 🙂
We all need to reflect. I don't have a theme word or anything.
2015 was the year of winging-it and it still worked out wonderfully. I wish you well on your journey to get pregnant.
Life is so interesting isn't it? I will be holding you in my thoughts that your dream of becoming a mother will happen in 2016.
I believe this is my first time on your blog. My husband and I are also trying to conceive. I'm going to go back and read through your blog posts about your journey to become a mother. I believe it takes a strong woman to become a single mother. Best wishes to you!
I followed some of your journey last year. I totally agree that 2015 flew by. Don't forget to enjoy the moments along the way!
I always look forward to your videos. You are so open and honest about sharing your story.
What a great idea to reflect. I think that's how I stay positive and moving forward in life – reflecting on where I am where I was and where I want to be. Keep going!
My daughter and her hubby just completed a year of trying. They are now considering adoption.
I've been following your journey for a while now, and I truly hope you're able to conceive. I think you have a lot to give to a child.
It's amazing how much can happen in a year, isn't it? I look back on my year, and it's amazing where I thought it would go and where it actually went.
Excuse the text typos.
Im sure I learned something but 1.5 years ago .time flies. I tried ivf. My pocketbook says I wow the cost even with insurance. My heart says im glad I tried because it solidified my desire to be a mom. Now I am on the adoption journey more money yes but not atypical fir anyone any couple any person who truly want to be a parent and who cannot see a future lived without being a parent. Sometimes I wish I had done adoption first. The wait is still bittersweet. You are still poked and prodded just in a different way. Fast forward 10 years from now not making either decision and I am 100 percent positive I would regret nottrying at all. In 10 years from now I will look into my child's face and think you were worth every penny because you expanded my world and opened my heart to love in such a unique way as a parent. Do your thing. Love you. Im with you on this journey. Im almost there.
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