Y is for Yes!
Did you ever see the Jim Carey movie The Yes Man? It was a cute movie. It is about a guy (played by Jim Carey) who always says no to everything. Then for a reason I cannot remember the guy becomes unable to say no. He says yes to every single thing. This leads to a bunch of precarious and silly situations.
Even though I only watched it once I really liked the movie. It made me think about myself. While I’m not as bad as the guy in the movie, I am a naturally cautious person. When facing new opportunities or even simple requests my mind immediately looks for reasons to say no. Only after all reasons to say no have been ruled out and all of the risks have been considered will I say yes.
What would happen if I could reverse this way of thinking? How many more opportunities would I take advantage off? How many people would I meet how much more Joy would I experience?
I think it’s time I started copying what I see on TV and become more of a Yes woman. Just without the antics. Ok, maybe even with them, a few of antics never hurt anyone.
Are you naturally a Yes person or a No person? What is your typical first reaction when presented with yes or no decisions.?
Great post. I'm so not a yes person. Maybe I should start because I miss out on some opportunities -Joanna
I tend to be a yes person. But now I have realized that I can't necessarily say yes to everyone. But I am still more inclined to yes.
I used to be a yes person, but have had to learn that not all invitations in life I say yes to.
I'm very cautious. My typical response is "Let me do some research and I'll get back to you". I just like to think things through.
This is an awesome way of thinking. I think theres a fine line between saying yes too much and too little, but we are often too quick to just jump straight to no.
All the Best,
Allison Jones | http://www.LiveLifeWellBlog.com
I'm more of the "I'll think about it type". I've learned the hard way not to give immediate answers anymore.
I try to be balanced. I am sure my natural inclination is to say no, but I like to shake it up a bit. This is a great post. I haven't seen the movie, but I would like to.
Lately, I have been no, no and more no! Seems that people will use you because they know they can!
I am always prone to say no. But that's because I was a former yes person and I got tired of being used!
I like to consider myself a yes person, but I could stand to say yes more and stop overthinking my decisions.
OMG I was totally a yes person to the point that saying yes to others was saying no to me. I certainly say yes to stepping outside of my box but I say no when its necessary.
I have always been a yes person, but then I got tired of being used. I still say yes but more to myself now than others.
I am a Yes woman and trying to become a no woman. I am still learning how to say no. LOL!
I am naturally a yes person all the way. Sometimes too much of a yes person! I need to check out the movie.
I've never seen that show, but I was a Yes person myself. I've learned over time to not be that way.
I am a yes person. I enjoy challenges and helping others. I've learned to offer options rather than just do the one choice. Sometimes it is more fun!
This is a tough question… some things I'm yes, and others no. Probably more yes than no.
I loved the movie The Yes Man. I find i am always saying yes. I need to start saying no. I tend to stretch myself to thin.
I think there is power in both the words yes and no! Although I seem like more of a yes person for the most part…I have to put my foot down for certain no's too so that I dont get used or do things I dont want to do.
I used to say yes to everything and it has worn me down and affected my health. So, I have to start saying no to some things.
I used to be more of a no person but I am learning to say yes more. So many great things happen when you just say yes.
I'm naturally a yes person. I fell into my mom's role of not being able to say no to anything or anyone. Ugh. It's so tiring!
I used to be a no person, but as I age, I am so much more open to new experiences. I really like being a Yes person!
I'm definitely leaning towards no. Perhaps it's because I have kids now, so the decision are no longer just mine
I'm a very cautious person so my gut says no unless I am really swayed to a yes so I totally loved that movie. It made me think a lot too.
I think that I could be more of a yes person but am an equal yes and no right now. This movie sounds good.
I am naturally a yes person. I feel that sometimes it allows people to take advantage of me and use me. I need to learn to say no more so that I can be happier.
I have a hard time making decisions without thinking them over first, but like to consider myself a rational person overall. I am all about embracing more joy in my life though.
I am definitely a cautious person. It is also hard for me to tell people no, so I'm in a catch 22.
I'm not sure which way I tend to lean. I do think it's important to be open to new things though.
I tend to say yes more often. Just depends on the situation. I loved that movie
I lean towards being a yes person, but the older I get, the more I say no!
I am naturally a yes person, I think. Sometimes I take on too much because of it.
I've really struggled to saying yes to everything over the years. There came a point when I was so overwhelmed, I either had to start saying no, or just stop sleeping.
I don't think I say no too often, but probably still too often to my children. I want to say YES a lot more to them before they stop asking for my attention!
I'm more prone to say yes than no, although sometimes it can become overwhelming. Glad we found your blog via the A to Z Blog Challenge!