Thankful Thursday!
It’s been a while since I shared a Thankful Thursday post. I have still been practicing gratitude, it is a Pilar of Joy. I just have not been sharing publicly.
Well now I am sharing. Today I am thankful for:
- Baby Joy Chaser did not cry at day care drop off this morning. He has been going through a seperation anxiery phase. I never know how he is going to react when I leave him in the morning. But today was good.
- My hair still looks good. I don’t have a perm anymore but I still like to wear my hair straight. It’s been over 2 weeks since I’ve been to the styist. This would not be a big deal except I can’t go to the salon tomorrow either.
- My new TV. My family room in the new house is bigger so my old TV lookes kind of silly. I ended up getting a good Black Friday Pre-sale deal. But, that’s not why I am thankful. I am thankful because the only TVs available were for in storw pick-up and my brother made time in his busy day to get it for me. I was out of town and could not get it myself.
What are you grateful for this Thankful Thursday? Can you think of at least 3 things?
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