I came across the word of the year concept on my bloggie friend signingcharity’s blog Our Giggles and Grimaces. Isn’t it a nice idea? One word setting the theme for your entire year. One word to fall back on for focus. One word to draw on for inspiration. If you have been reading this blog for a while you would have assumed my word of the year would be Joy, or Happiness. Or, maybe I’d get real creative and come up with something good like Bliss. Wrong!!! 🙂
I like to read inspirational devotional text in the morning. I used to do it to make up for the fact that I did not go to church. Now I do it because it is a nice way to start the day on a positive note. A week or so ago the bible verse for the day was about how we are all Wonderfully Made by God. Since then I have thought of this often. So often in fact, that I decided that the word Wonderfully would be my word of the year for 2012.
So why exactly did I select the word Wonderfully? It is a happy word. You almost can’t help but to smile when you say it. Try it. Say it. Wonderfully! You’re smiling aren’t you??? Well in addition to the sound of the word I have selected it because it reminds me of the bible verse. Ok, well not the actual verse because I can’t remember it word for word, and I can’t remember where it’s located in the Bible, and I’m too lazy to go and get the devotional book to find out. But it does remind me of the meaning of the verse.
I, we are all Wonderfully made. We are not accidents or surprises. We were made on purpose by God to be exactly the wonderful joy chasers that we are. The verse does not mean that we are perfect or without flaws. It does mean that our flaws and imperfections come together and combine with all that is awesome about us to create a being that is Wonderfully made.
I don’t have to have any doubts about my decisions because they will eventually bring about an outcome suitable for someone who is Wonderfully made.
I do not have to be afraid of other’s judgments because regardless of how misguided they may be in their observation of me I know I am Wonderfully made.
I do not have to be perfect because a person such as myself, who is Wonderfully made, finds uniqueness in her imperfections.
I am free to make mistakes because they allow me to grow smarter, stronger, and even give me funny stories that only a person Wonderfully made could appreciate.
I can allow my weaknesses to make me more personable and relatable because I am Wonderfully made.
I am free to go full force ahead Chasing Joy because I am Wonderfully made.
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Julie V says
Thanks for the inspiration!
I attended a yoga class, mostly for exercise and flexibility. But wonderfully made reminds me of how the instructor finished. She ended with us in a calm position and told us to be grateful for our bodies and how they serve us exactly as they are.
I love that since so many exercise classes push the, "Think of how you can change your body!" But I like to be okay with my body because it is wonderfully made and does so many things for me.
I'm not saying I'm against getting in shape, but that I can appreciate my body now and hopefully also when I get old and achy or whatever bodies do when the start to wear out.
D7ana says
Wonderfully made, inside and out! That's how we need to see ourselves.
Susan Silver says
Very awesome, I think I will have to follow in your footsteps and come up with my own word for this year. I already have a mantra!
Michael says
My feeling a bit romantic and wanted to reshare how The BF and I started dating
Morgan Dragonwillow says
One of my favorite expressions is, "I am perfect in my imperfections." You post reminded me of that. I love the "Wonderfully Made" that you reference. I also believe we are all wonderfully made and some of us just forget that about themselves and others. I am sure you know the meaning of the word Wonder; a miracle or to be in awe.
Here is to your Wonderful or Wonder-filled journey this year. May you have many moments of awe, wonder and miracles.
LogAllot.com says
I love bloggers that always see the joy in everything. Sometimes you can have some serious bad days and forget what to be "wonderful" about. I really needed this today and it made my day. Thanks girl! It's been a rough week.
Lynette says
As usual very positive & thought provoking.
Rose's Daughter says
Beautiful post!
signingcharity says
Very cool. You are so right, wonderfully makes you smile! Thanks for the mention and link.