Chasing Joy in prAna Active Wear
This is a sponsored post for the prAna. All opinions expressed herein are my own.
Believe it or not I don’t like exercising. It is hard. Sometimes it hurts while you are doing it. If you do it really well you get to be sore and achy after as well. Let’s not even mention the sweating, smelly post workout clothes, and extra laundry. Despite all of this I have managed to have a consistent workout routine for most of my adult life. I once even worked out for 100 days in a row. A little while ago I shared some tips on Instagram and Facebook on how to develop a consistent routine.
Number 1 is have cute workout clothes that you want to wear. This is so important, especially when you are new to working out or trying to start working out again. When I get cute new workout clothes I cannot wait to go to the gym or go out walking so I can wear them. That’s exactly how I felt a few weeks ago when I got my outfit from prAna.
prAna makes active clothing that can take you from casual time with friends, to the gym, or out walking and hiking without a wardrobe change. When I visited the site I liked what I saw but I was not really sure if their clothes would fit my curvy plus size body. Honestly, I was a little nervous when I found out I was included in the bloggers selected to review the line. The clothes looked so cute online. I hoped they’d fit and look cute on me.
Well I was not disappointed. The cute teal outfit I chose fit and looked awesome on my curves. I went with the teal because I loved the bright color. I feel more confident about my body than when I was younger. So, I don’t feel the need to blend in with dark colored workout gear. I don’t mind standing out and that teal color definitely does that.
Another reason I chose this particular outfit was because of the detailing on the yoga capri pant. That simple little design kicks the capri pant up a notch from just something to wear to the gym to a fun capri tights to wear anywhere.
Once I tried the outfit on and saw that it fit I could not wait to test it out with a workout. We have had some really hot days in Philly this summer and that day was one of them. It was so hot that I had to wait until almost sunset to go out walking. So, I decided to get dinner first and then walk it off.
Wearing my cute prAna workout outfit I was fashionable enough for dinner out at Grand Lux without having to change clothes. I simply put on a sparkly shirt over my teal workout tank. It looked super cute and appropriate for the restaurant. prAna says their clothing is great to wear anywhere “from city streets to mountain peaks” they can add restaurants to the list as well. The clothing is created to be fashionable, comfortable and versatile. My outfit definitely fit that description.
When I did finally get to my workout I liked that everything stayed in place. I walked about 3 miles that day. My shirt did not ride up and my pants stayed in place. I hate when an outfit does not fit properly and you are constantly pulling at. That was not the case with my prAna outfit.
I am a new prAna fan. In addition to their clothing being cute, functional and versatile it is echo friendly. All of the items given to us bloggers are either made of organic cotton or hemp. A lot of prAna’s items even use recycled materials. If your not sure why organic cotton or hemp is a big deal check out these videos.
If you are ready to start a new workout routine or get back to regular workouts then start buy getting a cute new workout out fit from prAna. You will be excited to wear it. It will function properly and it will be Eco friendly. Win! Win! Win!
If those three wins are not enough here is a 15% off coupon code so you can save a few coins
Use code S17BLAR for 15% off
What do you wear to workout? Do you feel better about exercising when you have cute workout clothes? What are you thinking of buying from prAna?
This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of The bLink Marketing Network and prAna. The opinions and text are all mine.
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