Dreaming Big with Disney Dreamers Academy!
You guys know that I am now on a mission to get to Disney. I’ve never been and I even gave you guys five reasons why I need to get there. The good news is I think I figured out one way I could possibly get there. Disney Dreamers Academy!
I know what you’re thinking. Disney dreamers Academy is for kids not for adults. I know this. Here’s the thing, I have six nieces and nephews. Four of them are the perfect ages to go to the Disney Dreamers Academy. They will need an adult to go with them. Auntie will generously takes time off work to be their guardian on the trip. See? I’m in there! Disney here I come! LOL. Okay I’m just joking. I will get to Disney my own way. However I do think the Disney Dreamers Academy is a great program and I would love for any of my nieces or nephews to apply and be accepted.

Me with Some of my nieces and nephews after my baptism. Two are missing.
At the Disney dinner I attended a couple weeks ago they told us a lot about the Disney Dreamers Academy. They also brought a young man who was an alum of the program to along to talk about his experience. This young man was so inspirational. I was blown away by his story, the way he carried himself, and his public speaking abilities. He has so much going for him. It was wonderful to hear how Disney Dreamers had been a big part of his growth. I first heard about the Disney Dreamers Academy years ago from The Steve Harvey morning radio show. However, this was my first time hearing firsthand how the program had impacted a young person.
The Disney dreamers Academy is a wonderful program where 100 kids ages 13-19, from around the country, get to spend 4-day at Walt Disney World interacting with inspiring people to they’d never get to meet in their everyday life. The adults help these kids learn to dream big and get a jump-start on making those dreams come true! By dream I mean they help the kids to see opportunities and options that are beyond what they might experience within their communities, families, and everyday life. The Disney Dreamers Academy opens their eyes to how big the world is and how much opportunity there is for success. At the Academy the kids are taught to think big and that there are no not limits to what they can achieve in life.
Check out this video for more information.
It is for all the reasons above that I would be super super excited if any of my nieces and nephews decided to apply. If indeed they were selected I would definitely volunteer to be their guardian not just because I’d get to go to Disney. The Disney Dreamers Academy makes the effort to not just help the kids but to also help their parent or guardian to discover their own ability to dream. I have created a very nice life for myself and am much happier than I was in the past because I make an effort at Chasing Joy. However. I can’t help but to wonder what my life would look like had I been exposed to something like the Disney Dreamers Academy.
There have been many times in my adult years, by adult years I mean post-college, where I have been kind of amazed at the different jobs and career paths that some people have taken. There are so many opportunities out there that I just was not aware of. I grew up thinking you went to college and you became a doctor a lawyer a teacher or some kind of business person. I had no knowledge of the many many types of creative career options that are out there for people.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I do not regret the decisions I’ve made. I made the best decisions that I could at the time. However, I know that there’s opportunity for me even now to learn how to dream even bigger. I’m going to make an effort to do that and challenge myself on my own. But if any of my nieces or nephews go to Disney Dreamers I’m hoping to go with them to gain insight on how I could dream bigger. Maybe there needs to be a Disney dreamers adult version???
I hope my nieces and nephews won’t be the only teens applying to the Disney Dreamers Academy. I hope all of you Joy Chasers will encourage the teens in your life to apply. Apply for the 2018 Disney Dreamers Academy now through October 31, 2017. Maybe I’ll get to see some of you there! Click here to Apply >> Apply to Disney Dreamer’s Academy<<