I figure it’s better to focus on chasing joy than just escaping boredom. If I just wanted to escape boredom there are lots of things I could do but they would not necessarily make me joyous. I could get into a fight with my neighbor over my recycle bin that I suspect they “borrowed”; I could go to the Laundromat and wait for someone to leave their clothes unattended and then steal one sock from every pair; I could cut my dog’s hair into a Mohawk (really considering this one); or alphabetize my cookbooks. I wouldn’t be bored but I also wouldn’t be any closer to my destination, Joyland (except maybe the Mohawk thing). So I will chase joy and hope to escape my boredom in the process.
If I’m going to chase joy its best I know how to identify it. That way I’ll know it when I catch it. Who knows maybe I’ve already caught it, didn’t know it and am chasing after it for no reason. The Merriam Webster definition of Joy is the emotion evoked by well-being, success, or good fortune or by the prospect of possessing what one desires. I’d say overall I’m in a pretty good state. Not filled with joy but not headed for the bridge either so I’d say well-being… Check! I have found a career that I like and have received promotions and accomplished some of my goals. I also own my own home. Success…. Check! God has blessed me in more ways than I can count including my health, family, friends, and the aforementioned career and home. Good Fortune….Check!
So, that only leaves the prospect of possessing what one desires. Ding ding ding ding… that’s what’s missing. I don’t know what my desires are so how can I feel confident that I will posses them. I know my long term desires marriage, kids, retirement, etc… But what do I desire out of my everyday life, right now, in the present????
So In my quest for joy I’ll start by exploring what it is I truly want out of my life right now? What would make tomorrow a better day? Hmmmmm….this will take some thought.
This post was linked up for Flashback Friday.
I think this is an empowering question. We often think "What have I done to deserve this?", but we could be thinking "What do I deserve?" You have flipped the question around and that is a good thing. Lovely post!
Susan, What do I deserve is something I think we need to ask oursleves more often.
Great post to flash back to. ;D
Me? Become successful as a writer and actually earn a living again – take the weight off my hubs a little. I hope IVF finally works next year, though it's unlikely. It's our last attempt, it failed twice already, took a year out because it takes its toll.
Good luck to you – Loving the linky idea and I've popped it up on my blog directory page and followed. X
Hi Shah,
Thanks for including my blog on your directory. I hope things have or will work out for you regarding earning some income and IVF.
What i want out of life…hmmm to reach my goal of publishing a book….to see my kids marry…to enjoy my grandchildren. Is this too much?
That is definately not too much to ask 🙂