It’s almost August!!! Ok, no it isn’t, but I know how fast time flys. It will be August before we know it and time for the Chasing Joy Brunch & Learn (#CJBL). Since some of us cannot wait until August we decided to get the conversation started early with a twitter chat. On Monday night we talked all about the Law of Attraction. We covered visualization, goals, vision boards, and so much more. It was a great chat and has me so pumped about the #CJBL. As a matter of fact, I am so excited that I shot this quick YouTube video inviting you all to come to the Brunch.
If that compelling visual aid has not convinced you to get your tickets, maybe this slide show recap of the #CJBL twitter chat will. Oh, and just because the twitter chat is over that does not mean the conversation has to be. Feel free to jump in and answer any of the questions, follow the chat participants and retweet the best tweets.
What tweets did you appreciate the most from the chat? Have you ever used visualization or a vision board? Have you registered for the #CJBL yet?
Thanks for placing this stimulating chat on Storify! Will incorporate more LoA in my life by thinking what I want rather than what I do not want. Will work on visualizing.
The pet visitor – black and white cat? – was an adorable interruption.