#FlashbackFriday: Blogalicious 2011 Pictures

P is for Pick! As in pick out one of your favorite blog posts and share it here for #FlashbackFriday! Flashback Friday is when we link up one of our older posts that needs a little love. You can link up any post you like, but the idea is to link up an older one, and give it new life via the power of the linky. The only rule is to be sure to visit AT LEAST TWO other links. If you are first to link up be sure to come back and visit some of the later links. You can also share your post on the … READ MORE
Who Has Two Thumbs & Is Going To See Oprah… This Girl

O is for Oprah Four years ago when I started this blog I created a list of new things to do to avoid boredom. Trying new things is one way to have more experiences, meet new people, create memories and take in a little Joy. An idle mind is the Devil's workshop. So I named my list of activities to try the Devil's Workshop list. I had one thing on my list that I had given up on. I actually thought it was no longer a possibility. So what is it? Go to the … READ MORE
N is for No, No Negative Self-Talk

N is for No as in No Negative Self-Talk!!! I have said it before, but it is definitely worthy of repeat. No Negative Self-Talk. Negative thinking is one of the worse joy thieves there is because we do it to ourselves. We all do it from time to time. Think you don't check out the 9 types of negative thoughts. I bet you will see one or two that are familiar. Our negative thoughts are often the biggest obstacle between us and joy. So don't do it. … READ MORE
M is for Men, Can’t Live With Them

M is for Men! Can't live with them.... So why do I want one LOL Ugh, this dating game should come with clearer rules and instructions. Some say the rules have changed from previous generations. Others say the rules can be found in books like He's Just Not That Into You or Act Like a Woman Think Like A Man. Maybe there are no real rules. Perhaps the rules are obsolete and irrelevant like the ones untouched in the Monopoly box. I simply keep … READ MORE
Look For Humor, Find Joy

L is for Laughter. My mom reads and is supportive of this blog and Chasing Joy events that I host, which is great. On more than one occasion she has given me a bit of advice that just isn't that easy to implement. What is this advice? Be funnier! She is on the right track with this advice. I mean laughter is so good for you. Laughter can lighten a heavy mood, kill an awkward situation silence, it makes you feel good and even burns a few calories. We should all … READ MORE