OK, I know most of us have heard that we are not supposed to make assumptions. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying when you assume you make and ass out of you and me. No one wants to be and ass right? But I challenge this. Making assumptions isn’t bad if you make the right assumptions. Here are three assumptions all joyful people need to make.
Assume it’s them and not you. We all have had experiences where we have felt rejected in some way shape or form. It could be the love interest who did not have an interest in you. The friend who let you down. The co-workers who left you out. I could go on and on. We have all been there. When these things happen it is really easy to slip into the why aren’t I good enough negative thinking. Stop it. It’s one thing to be introspective and improve yourself. But it should not be based on someone rejecting you. Instead put on your No Negative self talk T-Shirt and realize that it is likely their issue and not your own. Perhaps the love interest is not at a place in his life where he can return those kinds of feelings. Maybe the friend is going through their own stuff. What if those co-workers are feeling intimidated by your kick-ass performance in the work place. You never know so why not assume its them and not you.
Assume the grass isn’t as green as you think. Life can be hard sometimes. It can down right suck. During those times it is easy to look at someone else’s life and think they have it easier. The grass always looks greener when your stuck in the mud. But, you never know what may be going on inside that persons house. Their grass might be lush but that cold be do to the water constantly leaking onto the lawn. You never know. I mean think about it, do you really want to trade your problems for someone else’s. I don’t. How many times have you talked to a friend and they reveal how they have been dealing with X, Y, and Z and you never knew??? It just happened to me the other day. Realize that everyone has hard times. It may be your turn today but that won’t always be the case. Stay focused on what is going right in your life and not on your neighbor’s grass.
Assume things are going to work out. Life can be hard and sometimes we even feel rejected. But you have to have hope. Hope is believing that things will get better and that things will work out. My hope is based in faith and I hope yours is too. But even if it isn’t look around. Most of us have good lives. Sure we have hard times, stress, bills, and experience loss. But most of us also have people who love us, friends to laugh with, and a place to call home . Most of us when we think back can recall more good memories than bad. Hold on to those good memories and let them give you hope that most things work out. They may not workout exactly when and how you think, but most things do work out.
What assumptions are you holding on to? Are they helping you or hurting you?
I always say ASSuming lol it's one of my favorite quotes!! I need to be more of a joyful person!
Blaming other people seems so much easier at the time. Definitely had to accept change
I've been trying to look at the bright side of everything, but sometimes it just doesn't work! – Jeanine
I've learned this lesson a while back, thanks for the reminder. We have to stop with the assumptions.
Years ago when I was much younger, I thought the grass was greener. I learned quickly that it wasn't. Thankfully I was able to fix the situation and move forward.
This definitely puts things into perspective. Thank you!
These are all great. What a wonderful read! Thank you!
Definitely great to read something like this once in a while:) Puts everything into perspective!
I try to be a positive person. It can be dangerous to assume things.
What great tips! I definitely make assumptions that things won't work out…..need to work on that!
I usually try to look at the bright side too, but sometimes it's really hard. I need to learn to let some things go so I can live a happier life.
I'm so horrible at making assumptions especially that things WON'T work out. I need to switch my mindset big time and start to be more positive and joyful like you!
I am trying to start assuming that things are going to work out. I usually have a bad habit of automatically assuming things aren't going to work out.
I definitely think looking at the positive side of situations and thinking more positively can help people live a more joyful life. I need to learn to stop overanalyzing everything and let more things go!
Assuming things are going to work out is not my strong point. I need to work on that.
Love this post! All good points, especially the "Assume it is them and not you"
These are definitely good points. They all lead to being optimistic about yourself which is very important.
I've never shaken the assumption that people mean what they say. That definitely hurts my sometimes, but I'd rather be like that.
Assuming makes an ass out of you and me is my favorite! I think people learn real quick that the grass is rarely greener on the other side!