Happy Monday Everyone!
Remember don’t come down with a case of the Mondays 🙂 Instead set some weekly goals for Make It Happen Monday.
Last week we had our first Chasing Joy Scavenger Hunt. I got the idea for the Scavenger Hunt because I like to keep things fun and Joyful on Facebook and Twitter. I also know that it is not the big things that happen occasionally that helps up grasp and maintain Joy. It is really the little things that we do every day that make us smile and laugh that allow us to have a Joyful life. Even something as light hearted and silly as searching for an image that includes the word Joy can shift our focus to something pleasant and playful.
So you don’t have to wait any longer. The winner of last weeks Scavenger Hunt is Joy Chaser Melissa. I love this image! For me it represents how you can find Joy in the most unusual places if you look for it 🙂 Melissa found this photo on flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/epler/406505707
It is no surprise to me that Melissa found this great image. Melissa is also known as Ms. Positivity. She is the author of the blog Positively Shining. Her blog is all about how to stay focused on the positive through life’s ups and downs. Check her out on Facebook and Twitter.
Thanks to everyone who participated in the scavenger hunt. Stay tuned to the Chasing Joy FB and Twitter pages to find out what we’ll be hunting for this week.
I love this idea. I'm going to have to pay closer attention…